So, it seems like Warrior is getting mostly “damaged minion” synergy cards and some Control Warrior options.
Imprisoned gan’arg= 1 mana fiery waraxe? Lol wut, the power creep on these cards.
Imprisoned Gan’arg seems like the strongest or at least the most intriguing out of all these cards. 1-mana Fiery War Axe with a 2/2 body attached to it? Yes please! I would not be surprised if this becomes a minion every Warrior wants to run in their deck.
Bladestorm: Very flexible card that you can use for board clear or just kill one big threat on the board if you for example got no minions on board yourself. Should be decent.
Bloodboil Brute: Honestly I doubt you’re going to get this to be cheaper than by 1-2 mana at best. Having multiple minions on board is not hard. But to have them damaged as well is more channeling. But honestly, even paying 7 mana for this is not bad, considering it has Rush. It’s instant removal.
Scrap Golem: Very protective; it has Taunt AND gives nice amount of Armor when it dies, even more if buffed. So I would say pretty decent. Would be even better if Dr. Boom, Mad Genius, didn’t rotate out.
Corsair Cache: Seems very good to draw and buff some very specific weapon you want, like the new Bulwark of Azzinoth to protect yourself from damage for one more extra turn. Or Ancharrr in Pirate Warrior, even though it is not currently very strong.
Bonechewer Raider: Very solid card! Should be easy to have at least one damaged minion on board by around turn 3. A 4/4 with Rush kills pretty much anything in early and mid game!
Sword and Board: Seems like a neat card. I would pay 1-mana for two damage and kill something and gain two Armor as a bonus. But it’s nothing amazing and I would not be surprised if this card won’t see much play.
Imprisoned Gan’arg seems like a decent Turn 1 play. With the loss of Eternium Rover and Town Crier to rotation, Warrior doesn’t have as many quality Turn 1 plays. This could help solve that issue.
Bladestorm looks like a decent tool for Control Warrior. It’s really strong against token decks as well as slower decks that run big minions. Even big minions with evasive aren’t safe from this.
Bloodboil Brute seems very like very strong removal. This card has fair stats for a 7-drop with Rush, so any discount you get is a big advantage.
Scrap Golem is basically a Warrior-only version of the rotating card Rotten Applebaum. This is definitely better than Applebaum though, as the healing from Applebaum often didn’t give full value if any at all. This gives you armor which has no limit.
Corsair Cache is solid. It’s a cheap weapon tutor that buffs the weapon. This is probably best used as a way to fetch Ancharrr from your deck in Pirate Warrior.
Bonechewer Raider has great synergy with the the damage theme of current Warrior decks. I can’t imagine this card not having a place in the current meta.
Sword and Board is a fine spell. It’s early minion removal with some defensive upside. I don’t know if that will justify giving this card a spot in deck lists though.
uhhhhh. Are you not noticing any differences here?
Nope, both on turn 3 if you play this turn 1.
I smell the Taunt Warrior archetype trying to return.
“Enrage” teaser for future sets
So you dont think having to wait 2 turns for it is a disadvantage? lol. Draw it turn 3, get it turn 5? Woops.
I guess? You could argue its a disadvantage to topdeck any lower cost mana cards. Is that really your argument. The point is this is still 1 mana for a fiery waraxe both can be played on turn 3.
You can draw War Axe anywhere between mulligan and turn 3 and still have it ready on 3 mana, while this has to be exactly in your opening hand to get this result. Also getting a weapon after 2 turns could be quite awkward later on, as it is not unusual to keep a weapon in hand for a few turns, so playing this would force you into less efficient weapon use (eg. you played this guy, next turn you draw Livewire Lance and it is your best play to kill… a Sorcerer Apprentice or something like that, but you lose it next turn because of Gan’arg giving you a weapon whether you like it or not).
Also weapons’ main selling point is being fast, which this is not.
This is the main issue with Imprisoned Gan’arg. It severely reduces the impact of any other weapon you can’t fully use before it awakens.
It is also a very bad topdeck after turn 4-ish in an aggressive deck. Would you want to draw a card that said 1-mana “Take up a board slot and do nothing”.
Corsair cache. It works for aggro (18dmg Arcanite Reaper) and control warrior (Gorehowl).
And it could gonna be staple card in wild for the infinite future.
Love the enrage stuff, by far the biggest temptation to pick up Hearthstone again this set, especially with the Augmerchants. Rush and/or Divine Shield Gurubashi Berserkers? Yes please.
The Raider and Bloodboil don’t specify cards you control, so your opponents damaged minions will add to the count.
Gan’arg is great if only for the fact that you can view it as potential 6 face damage and a 2/2 for 1 mana. That sounds worth the wait.
Bladestorm is interesting, potentially a much cheaper Warpath to use with Frothing or Gurubashi finishers if you play it correctly. Sort of a skill card like Defile was that rewards setting up the board.
It’s certainly a shame Bloodrazor is Wild, that would make the deck.
Gan’arg is great if you have it in your opening hand, terrible rest of the time, so not really sure if it’s worth playing.
Bladestorm will definitely be a staple in any non-face warrior decks.
Bloodboil Brute seems a bit too expensive to me, you can get basically same effect from 4 mana Restless Mummy.
Scrap Golem as someone else said, is basically better Rotten Applebaum, decent anti-aggro tool, though not that great against control, so will see play if aggro is common (and it usually is).
Corsair Cache seems a bit slow to me, your paying 2 mana basically just to draw a card, and then you need to spend the mana on top of that to play whatever weapon you pull with it, huge tempo loss for value gain later. I don’t think Pirate Warrior can afford to skip turn 2 to play this.
Bonechewer Raider is a solid card that I would expect to become staple in pretty much all warrior decks.
Sword and Board is basically like Arcane Shot or Holy Smite that can’t even go face, neither of those cards sees much play, and slapping 2 armor on it is probably not good enough to make this card worth a deck slot either, I would much rather play Shield Slam.
I think the only good card here is Corsair Cache. Being able to tutor a weapon is really good. Warrior has 2 legendary weapon. Pirate Warior will play this for sure. And depending on the meta, the legendary weapon might be a really good one to tutor.
These look really solid. The dormant card is the stand out but there’s nothing that looks to be trash tier either. Scrap Golem is very nice, especially buffed up.
Gan’arg: seems pretty awesome if you can mulligan for it.
Bladestorm: Decent replacement for Warpath. Better at some things, worse at others. On balance it’s probably about even.
Bloodboil Brute: card is bad. 4 mana already gets you Restless Mummy which deals the same amount of up front rush damage but can be split up. I think you’d want at least a 2 mana discount on this and that won’t happen often.
Scrap Golem: seems fine. While Boomsday is leaving, there’s still some decent mechs rolling around: Boom Squad, Vicious Scraphound, Bomb Wrangler, Clockwork Goblin, Omega Devastator, Blastmaster Boom (and Wrenchcalibur), Tomb Warden and The Boom Reaver. No Dr. Boom or magnetic mechs may just mean it’s not worth it though, especially compared to Galakrond Warrior.
Corsair Cache: I like it. I’m half considering resurrecting a RoS style Bomb Warrior deck and this can fish out Wrenchcaliburs. Also will be trying to Quest Warrior.
Bonechewer Raider: Ehh, it’s ok. I like the tempo warrior style so there’s probably something there.
Sword and Board: baby Bash. Can’t go face and 2 damage doesn’t necessarily kill much, nor does 2 armor get you much for Shield Slam purposes.
My argument is that youre comparing apples and oranges with the “power creep” argument. The dormant aspect is a pretty clear disadvantage and its a good solution to make powerful early game cards for control decks that have less of an impact in aggressive decks. Youre trading a heavy disadvantage for additional value. Thats not power creep.