All new priest cards revealed today (8 total)

So this is my attempt at a highlander Dragon Priest. It’s 31/30 so need to cut something, but having trouble deciding what. Dragon Breeder is pretty greedy but he’s also just a 2 mana 2/3 in a pinch against more aggro decks.

Cleric of Scales × 1 1
Disciple of Galakrond × 1 1
Imprisoned Homunculus × 1 1
Dragon Breeder × 1 2
Dragonmaw Sentinel × 1 2
Penance × 1 2
Seance × 1 2
Shadow Word: Pain × 1 2
Zephrys the Great × 1 2
Breath of the Infinite × 1 3
Scalerider × 1 3
Shadow Word: Death × 1 3
Devoted Maniac × 1 4
Fate Weaver × 1 4
Frizz Kindleroost × 1 4
Shadow Madness × 1 4
Shadow Word: Ruin × 1 4
Twilight Drake × 1 4
Big Ol’ Whelp × 1 5
Chronobreaker × 1 5
Cobalt Spellkin × 1 5
Shield of Galakrond × 1 5
Time Rip × 1 5
Aeon Reaver × 1 6
Evasive Wyrm × 1 6
Kronx Dragonhoof × 1 6
Galakrond, the Unspeakable × 1 7
Skeletal Dragon × 1 7
Soul Mirror × 1 7
Murozond the Infinite × 1 8
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza × 1 9

One concern is that there’s very little healing in here and so it might just get chipped down over time even though there’s a fair bit of single target and aoe. Including the Prime might be a way around that.

Also not much card draw (just Cleric of Scales and Big Ol Whelp) but between those and the cards that generate other cards (invoke, Spellkin, Skeletal Dragon, Zeph/Alex) it seems like it wouldn’t really run out of resources.

Yes, but look at the cards Control Warrior had. Near-limitless value with Boom, the ability to stretch well past 30 turns with Elysiana, enough removal to kill an opponents entire deck of minions twice over, most of it very cheap or on a stick with the ability to discover more, 1 mana for 3 mechs and so on.

Priest has some buffs, discover a random spell, discover random opponents cards, get a random dragon and about half the removal Control warrior did and they’re supposed to use that to drag an opponent to fatigue. It’s basic Hearthstone, we’ve all dabbled in decks like that and learned they fail miserably without a real game plan.

It’ll be straight back to Rez and hoping the new Shadow Madness can carry some, which isn’t at all what you expect with a full rework of a class.

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Well they added Shadow Word : Ruin. So that’s one step of the way there.

…and that new legendary spell.

Its an enemy side only AoE that could give you opponent deathrattle. Which is the prime cards theme.

Yeah but you only get one of those. I’m hoping that Galakrond Priest is kind of ok. Because that can for sure generate value. Especially if you can get multiple primes. The life steal can keep you alive.

I’m definitely going to try and play buff Priest and buff Paladin (assuming I get the legendaries).

so excited about the basic and classic card from priest, a lot of potential.