All meta is warlock , warrior

All you face is warlock and warrior nearly legend that it is nothing else really maybe a few other classes may show up but most games are against these two classes 40% of the time.

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Its this way in Wild with a smattering of Rogue thrown in.

Braindead people are the majority in the planet.

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It’s hilarious to me that people who deliberately make things harder on themselves think that they’re smart and everyone else is stupid


Nobody cares what u think little brat.

Could you say…

hear me out here…


It is the “Wa-Wa” meta???

These are the jokes people and unfortunately they don’t get better.

:joy: :rofl: :smile:

Twenty characters

So there are no exceptions except these exceptions? lol

sounds like every hearthstone meta. popular decks come and go.

I mean all you have to do is see people playing tier 1 decks in bronze at the beginning of the month to understand that. I mean there are people playing priest in bronze, like do you have yourself that much?

i care what Scr0tie says, he’s my lil Gnomie Homie!

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Paladin has been a problem for 3 years now. Small nerfs here and there and then it goes back to tier 1. Warrior is unbeatable against most decks, with the help of brann and 9tnts that remove you from the game. Super fun. And then warlock which deals 12 dmg to your face while healing in the process.