AFK needs to go from BGs

AFK is too powerful still. Two discovers at three drops is too big a potential advantage. Some of the most powerful units in the entire BG are at three now so the way BGs have gone I dont even think the nerf from one three and one four to two threes is even a nerf anymore. Every game today I was against AFK and then one game I got AFK she got the nuts with either 2 cobalts or 2 floating watchers. My game I got 1 floaty and 1 cobalt and took first. Even 2 pack leader is really good. Then you just steamroll the entire BG with the wrathweavers you froze and the game is over. Too much chance to insta win. Either this or the tiers for cobalt and floating watcher need adjusting higher. Who agrees with this?

Very rarely I see A F Kay win. Sometimes he gets nice pieces and sometimes game rekts you instantly with that rng. Otherwise design is problematic even I approve it has different approach to game. Two first players get free run against him while often weaker heroes suffer against his third turn. After that it is just regular hero without any spcialities and if you don’t nail third turn it often means you don’t get to go far.

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I have once gotten a 8 place with 2 floating watcher because guess what, wraith weaver play hide and seek on me. AFK is super high roll there are very good games and horrible games. I think it’s the polarising nature than make it ironically balance but extremely unpleasant to play against. So I do agree to remove it.

Did you stay on 1 to roll for weaver easier?

I record my games and hero win rates and afk has a positive win rate but she gets 4th and 5th the majority of the time. The only thing to complain about is the damage she does on a high roll so early in the game.

I tried but 3 turns nothing. And then I only have 2 4/4 I even use some homoculous to help me buff stats but by the time I found it I don’t have health anymore.

The thing about AFK is that people remember when they get highrolled by her and get stomped, and totally forget when she low rolls and end up near the bottom of list.

It’s sucks to get stomped when she high rolls, but it should be equally nice when you get a extra free win because she pulled two crappy three drops.

AFK is balanced but not fun to play against. It’s like deathrattle rogue. The win rate is subpar but its not fun to play against it at all.

I think she’s pretty weak. That advantage you get on turn 3 is quickly surpassed by the disadvantage of not having been able to upgrade your Tavern at turn 2 and the lack of an actual Hero Power. After a couple of turns you just fall back again. Also, maybe it’s just my bad luck but I’ve never been able to highroll with her T3 discoveries.

However, I do agree she’s best removed. She unbalances the game too much for those unfortunate enough to face her on turns 3 to… say, 5.

AFK is feast or famine.

You’re pretty much guaranteed to have a bad time vs her in 3rd round.

After that, either she highrolls and get 1-2, or she gets nothing and struggles to finish even at 5th place.

She is neither consistent nor problematic to me. She is the choice for those who strongly believe in RNGsus.

Picking watcher without having found a weaver yet is ok when playing afk i think,but then rolling to get a weaver asap i am not sure is the best line. I also tried this once and if you dont get the weaver then you are completely lost. Maybe lvl up and play normally instead of rolling 5 gold and finding no weaver.

Afk is fine imo,not the best hero most likely.

Nahh she is pretty balanced, the only real highroll is cobalt and floating, and floating needs a weaver to be any good…

Oddly the two games that I finished 1st with AFKay were almost identical. I got two Crowd Favorites with the first two picks and buffed them with every Battlecry I could find until they got huge.

I would agree though that she’s the most hit or miss hero and not at all op. I don’t think I’d even put her in the top tier.

I agree she can have Ultra bad timeS but that is another reason to remove her. Too much variance. Being able to just get the nuts and steamroll the bg isnt good. Shes my 5th top win so she works overall.

She’s my highest win rate hero.

You rarely get the uber nuts with afk and getting kobalt+mech isnt auto win by any means (though it is pretty good).
The only “auto win” with afk is maybe if you get 2 watchers with already having a weaver in the tavern. I think she is reasonably balanced and the variance isnt that big in the end.
She does work overall,a strong hero but not the best hero.

Getting a weaver in two turns is semi common you just always freeze weavers. Getting at least 1 floating is decent chance and if you get two and you froze weaver or god forbid 2 weavers which 2 opponents did to me yesterday then you autowin unless somebody hits murloc lottery. This is what I don’t like about afk. she has a chance to just win the game on turn 3. that isn’t cool. But even 2 pack leader can be insane. 2 cobalt is obviously insane but its specifically 2 floating watcher that needs addressing. Floaty needs to goto tier 4. Demons are too strong. The BG has become demonwarz.

my favourite is when afk players get zerus and get a mama bear on turn 5-6 to basically win the game.

I do agree demons are to strong now and could use a nerf. Every lobby you will see 80/80-ish watchers and weavers.
Watcher to 4 i dont know,maybe its to late then to get proper scaling. Will discourage picking the weaver on 1 as well.
Of all metas demons is kinda the most boring one and also the most simplistic. Its all about stacking stats and cycling demons,not much else to it though the juggler builds are fun and interesting