Adventures shouldn't be affected by multiplayer nerfs

So many of the older adventures were designed for cards to be at a certain power level, or work in a certain way, and it no longer happens. Sometimes it even breaks the AI. They will do things like lightning bloom on turn 1, which i assume is supposed to be in their hand for a big play immediately, but nothing happens because lightning bloom was nerfed cuz it was a problem in multiplayer.

Can we not create separate adventure-only versions of nerfed cards, set to the power level they were at when the adventure was released? I want to be able to go back and replay things and get the real original experience. This probably wouldnt even be that hard to implement, they just have to create adventure-only versions of the cards and replace them in the decks from the adventures.


i 100% agree with this for puzzles

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Agree with you. Compared with other modes, adventures free me from competition. But the stupid AI is destroying the joy of it.

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