Add More Purchasable Cosmetics to the Shop

I’m a huge admirer of well done cosmetic portraits, and to a lesser extent, card backs. This topic is only my attempt to garner the subject more eyes.

Are there any specific portraits or card backs you’d like to see sold in the shop? My number one recommendation is at least one female shaman portrait. If you share this desire, please, show your support to help get the wheel rolling.


Yeah, more “endowed” Jaina and Xyrella skins, please.

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For me, I love endowments of all and any sizes. :laughing:

Don’t expect an epic looking hero portrait from Blizzard. Those good old days were gone. Now they just put out hero portrait with less effort and bland repetitive animation.

I quite liked the previous Xmas portraits, as well as the new Emerald Malfurion. In my opinion, the artists are doing just fine.

I guess your taste is different than mine. I find it unappealing, but that’s just me.

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Oh, it’s perfectly acceptable for us to have different preferences. Neither are inherently wrong. I admittely have been playing for two years now, and so, I may be ignorant of how awesome portraits used to be.

Maybe I’m a “little” bias. I actually like Celeste and N’zoth. Forgot we got those two as recent.

Sweet! N’Zoth is probably my favorite and most-used portrait. The only reason I don’t use Celeste is because it feels like everyone does. Although, she is objectively the most useful mage portrait in that Celeste casts its hero power faster than any other.

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I missed out on Diao Chan Valeera last year and hope she gets added back for Lunar New Year this time because I’ve been wanting her portrait for ages.

I just hope T5 doesn’t go against their word and begin selling what were designated as exclusive portraits and/or card backs. A big part of my purchasing the $80 bundle back when was because it included this EXCLUSIVE portrait. Should they do this, isn’t that false advertising? Unethical?

From Out of Card’s data mining, it looks like the six classes that didn’t get Lunar New Year hero portraits last year are getting them this year:

So, the four older ones (including Diao Chan Valeera) may not be available again just yet.

Dang! It makes sense but also @ Blizz i’m offering you cold hard cash right here and now for that portrait. TAKE MY MONEY BLIZZARD

I want
A warrior playing drum
A frog battling a toad
A swampy monster
THE warlock MAN
And much more

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I’d love for an Undead or Forsaken portrait. And definitely a female shaman portrait, just to be more inclusive to our female shaman players.

whatever they do, just give me the option to purchase individual ones instead of a big fat bundle

I agree wholeheartedly. There have been multiple instances wherein I don’t want the whole bundle but just one in particular. For profit, though, it’s probably best to sell these bundles.

right, i mean of course they could offer in bundles, just also give the option to buy individually, I don’t mind paying a little more

We should maybe talk about reasonable price tags before we talk about adding more cosmetics individually or otherwise.

What do you propose is a fair price for a portrait?