[Actually] fix your DH pve content

My shaman-only pve runs have always been excruciating because team5 doesn’t actually play their content, but this dalaran heist on act 5 heroic has proven a couple things:

All the shaman hero powers suck.
Shaman buckets dont actually have any relevance past big shaman (which still sucks)
Mana cheating is the only viable way to win this content (except for when you get to the casters and you dont have a board anymore without any counterplay)
You see where im going with this? Make shaman suck less.

Also this a general QQ on the fact this is worse than RR pve content that you would regularly lose in 3 turns if you didn’t roll the right Loa. Didn’t think you could actually get worse than that before it got fixed.

nerf the last 4 fights
buff trash classes like shaman and warrior
redo buckets to make sense (outright remove the totem synergy ones)
Fix your treasures so if you dont get mana cheat after boss 1 you don’t auto concede your run

Get to it blizzard. Even your “content creators” hate your gamemode’s blatant imbalance

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i think your name fits ya very well


C’mon man, I know you don’t believe this.

“why can’t i have “win” button?”


Oh, you’re such a sweet person

Mostly all the hero power suck except maybe 5-6 of them. Why would you get rid of the totem buckets when they go perfectly with the Mutation hero power. Shaman might be the 2nd easiest class to run through Heroic.

lol yeah i hate having no totemss and just… losing out on a bucket…

You havent played shaman then.
Good luck ever getting one board clear against every boss past 6/12
Actually try to get card draw - you won’t
Shaman is bonafide worst class, worse than warrior and i shouldnt have to explain why
Mutation is the only viable hero power and only if you mana cheat

I remember hating Warlock more, but yeah, Shaman was rough. Murloc and Battlecry are pretty much its only winnable buckets (aside from the usual Robes + big things).

Overload is just too much of a burden when you’re ALREADY outcurved.

I’ve been struggling with Shaman on Normal, Chapter 1, let alone Heroic. I never liked KnC Dungeon Run and I imagine Heroic is a rage inducing mix of Lich King/KnC which does not interest me.

However, its a relief to see that I’m not the only one struggling with Shaman.

Oh, man, Murlocs are just a broken bucket on Normal. Shaman still has the general problem where Overload is just not viable, but really good aggro works on Normal.

I rarely get murloc buckets.