Abuse of a mechanic or poorly thought out - requires attention

People are abusing a bug in game which can achieve lethal at turn 6 and is to my knowledge unavoidable - and even if it not a bug, and even if it not unavoidable it totally ruins the game by way of it being a cheap mechanic which I have had to face 3 times this evening, it is frustrating to the point of me not wanting to play a game which I have invested a lot of money in.

The abuse mechanic involves the following cards:

  • Wretched Tiller
  • Hysteria
  • Immune

Even if not cards are down at the time they can spam out a load of low level minions which means the effect runs to the point of the player dying and the sheer length of the animations digs into player’s remaining time left and causes rope at the start of the turn; in a case I just experienced being left on 1 life which then the enemy had another tiller in hand and another hysteria and just repeated the mechanic.
This has completely ruined my experience of the game and I am frustrated to the point of anger that your developers have allowed it to be included in the game, it is lazy, thoughtless and a tasteless mechanic which needs immediate rectification - I CANNOT play the game with any degree of enjoyment knowing that I am due to lose stars to yet another abuse of this mechanic (it is so common now that practically every Warlock I face is abusing it).

The amount of time and effort I have invested in this game (and I run a hard level deck which is just pointless when players can abuse a mechanic - either unintentionally or intentionally left in the game), the game is broken until something is done about this. I am disappointed, frustrated, saddened and angry at this.

I am wanting Blizzard’s attention on this, I do not wish for players to respond with their opinions - thank you.

Proposed Solution:

  • Make Hysteria ONLY target enemy minions.



well, another one who have faced the new otk. just beacuse you dislike a combo doesnt make it a bug…

Precisely the type of comment I expressed not requesting. It is not a valid “combo”, it is a poorly thought of mechanic which is easily abused with zero to no skill level requirement. Unless the reader can propose a solution, such comments are not welcome. It is abusive to the point of being able to make a bot which plays specific cards and waits for the “combo” to be in hand, it is not interactive and does not depend upon the other player to make some mistake. It is shameful the developers left it as a possibility.


you can make suggestions regarding changes, however not in this forum as this is a bug report forum. you are welcome to write your opinions in the community and multiplayer forums, here however your thread will just be spam.

This is also connected to Wretched Tiller, Death speaker, Hysteria, Shrinkmeister combo
Though the shrinkmeister isn’t required (with 2 death speakers).

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It is a bug when it won’t even let me have my turn. I do not even get the rope. It just ends my turn. It is basically an extra turn for him plus the combo. The animation should not eat up my turn.

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