About Zilliax in this meta

Yo Mates

After playing with and against Zilliax, winning and losing so much games with this card alone, something needs to be done about it.

Its is in 50,3% of the decks and played more the 8 million times.
The second card in the list is Acidic Swamp ooze with 26,1% and the third is Leeroy with 20,7% (another problem in the game)

I just want to start a civil discussion about this card and what do ppl think about it.

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It’s how a good card should be designed

Makes other cards better
Not overpowered by powerful
Not too cheap
Not too expensive
Has many utility roles

It’s just a good card all round which is why it’s seeing so much play
Like I mentioned in another post it’s like Azura Drake


Sure nerf aggro and tempo decks. If aggro is nerfed then less people will need to run zilliax.

But will run anyway.

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I don’t run because of aggro. This is how much utility this card have.

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Yeah I’m going to trust a 0 post account on a topic that only has overtly passionate support from two posters over the last few days as not being an alt account :smirk:

Zilliax is fine.


Empty words… I can come up with arguments just as hollow, watch

It’s how a bad card is designed.
Fits in every deck.
Too cheap.
Should be more expensive.
Too many utility roles make it ubiquitous.

It is too OP and sees way too much play, reducing diversity.

Maybe just write “I like it”.


The best cards are designed to fit in different deck for different purposes. 5 is the middle point making the cost balance too.

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Yeah starting to think people are creating accounts just to disagree with them. :rofl:

Your right you could say that…but its not true. Wether or not the guy likes it he was spot on.
Its not op,its not to cheap…this is getting silly.

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It’s like a Flanking Strike on steroids. While arguably had this been an Epic minion it should have costed 6, it’s a one of.



Its playrate may he high, but does he ever feel that OP to play against? Whenever I face a Zilliax, my opponent might heal from 3-6 (depending if I have the right Lackey), and at least one of my smaller 2-3 mana minions will be taken out. Seems about right for a 5 mana card.

Well budgeted too. Blessing of Champions was 3 mana for about half of Zilliax’s effects, and Antique Healbot had more immediate healing without the board control. Rotten Applebaum is a bigger body and always heals for 5 even in the face of removal, but Zilliax has Rush and is less vulnerable to Silence. He’s astoundingly comparable to other minions of a similar mana cost.

Honestly, Zilliax is right on the money budget wise. I don’t know what you’d take away without making it underwhelming.

Zilliax will get the same treatment as Keleseth. People will cry about it for another year and blizzard will do nothing. Because it’s fine.

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I never said I liked it though, like I said similar to Azura Drake it’s just a good card.

That’s the best way of describing it.

It sounds more like that you just don’t like the card and think it’s OP when it’s not
Maybe you should of just replied “I don’t like it”

Zilliax doesn’t increase your win rate by 10% when played on curve though. Never will either

Keleseth on the other hand was 1 of the most toxic cards ever released in the game. Only trumped by the other high roll card being Barnes

They are non comparable


Keleseth on 2 single handedly bring zoolock win percentage by 15% or so though. I dk of any situation zillax can swing the game like that.

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Just saying, both played a lot, both complained about a lot. If Keleseth was even more powerful, that’s just more reason why blizzard won’t change zilliax.

All the above paired with the one I higlighted is exactly how a good card should not be designed. This is the exact reason why DKs were (and still are) unhealthy for the game: Eventhough their mana cost and effect by themselves were well done, almost all of them were TOO strong in almost every archetype and therefore auto-inclusions.

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Zilliax is a nice well balanced card. Now alexstraza on the other hand. That card needs to be made unplayable

The difference between Zilliax and DKs is that they were permenant value monsters while Zilliax has numerous ways that it can be cleared without even getting any more lifesteal beyond the initial play. Outside of being magnetic, it rarely does more than buy one more turn for whoever is using it.

Blizzard themselves have stated why they are fine with Zilliax being the way it is and while I don’t always agree with them, this is one case in which I do.