About mercenaries

What is the probability of meeting this mysterious stranger?? I kind of abandoned ranked because the whole game is so toxic! And I’m enjoying the mercenaries, but there were days when I played a lot, I was focused on the mercenaries farm and I didn’t find the mysterious stranger! I had done all the tasks, played for 12 hours and couldn’t find it for two days!! Then on the third day, I was already frustrated and decided to do 3 small adventures, on the third adventure I meet the mysterious stranger!

My conclusion: No luck factor involved!! It’s not random!! IT’S CONDITIONAL! If the user finds the mysterious stranger today, then he won’t find him anymore, not today and not tomorrow!

A word for game programmers: If we pay users their salaries, as every new collection we buy ourselves, then you should show us what really happens with the mysterious stranger’s programming. Since we users pay to run the game, I wanted to see the source code that deals with the appearance of the mysterious stranger.

i think you wont find him if your merc level is higher than the bounty

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If your playing with L30 Mercia u need to do at least a level 28 (might be 27) bounty to find a stranger, also you have slightly better odds if it’s heroic.

Just do the heroic L28 bounty in the first area, also, you can retire and reset and look for a shorter path to the nod (I try for 2 fights and a healer/boon then node) sometimes you might get lucky with just a 3 round map(1 fight 1 healer/boon then node), once u get to it if it’s not a stranger just retire and try again, you can actually get all 4 filled in a decent amount of time doing this.

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Doing level 30 normal bounties, my last 42 mystery nodes had 12 Mysterious Strangers, 15 Spuds, 8 Portals, and 7 Sabotage!

That’s not a lot of data, but it certainly seems to be in the range for 25% chance of each choice.


I’m not ready to provide estimates for the new chances after the task system has been reworked… Some of the old data has been presented, but the chances for the MS have been decreased since. Nowadays going for level-30 bounties seems to be a general recommendation.

PS While I was writing this, an estimate was provided above. :+1:


Why would you want to farm the MS, then? It’s not at all that effective, giving some consolation coins (was in 30? I don’t remember) for a random mercenary once all the tasks have been done. Doing Heroic bounties and hoping for Bonus Loot or Cursed Treasure (and if you don’t get it, you can always take a MS, a Blue Portal or an alternate route, which I almost always try to roll for, and complete the bonty nevertheless) is probably much more reasonable and meaningful, if you can do it.

The problem is that the mercenaries I want the quest for are already at 30, even so the 5th task you will only do if the mercenary is at 30th level!

I’ll confess I set up a team of 30 levels with 6 mercenaries, where 5 are already at maximum skill and 1 mercenary needing to do the tasks. I spent two days playing, doing the new 30-level adventures and nothing came of it! IT’S CONDITIONAL, NOT PROBABILITY! On the third day with the same team of 30 levels, I decided to do very short adventures, because I was already frustrated, on the third adventure I found the mysterious stranger!

Conclusion: On the day you meet the mysterious stranger, the game crashes the mysterious stranger meeting and only releases on the third day. I SURE THAT’S HOW THE GAME WORKS! (I wanted to see the source code dealing with the appearance of the mysterious stranger.)