A Naxxramas meme I was unaware of?

Final reveal stream has just started on Twitch. People in the chat are spamming something I’ve never seen before on Hearthstone meme pages. They say, NAXX OUT.

Is it just because Catrina Muerte looks like a reprinted Kelthuzad?
Or did I miss something?

I haven’t felt this confused since I searched for the history behind Paveling Book

Apparently Naxx’s release was a bit confusing and there was some uncertainty on whether it was out or not. And suddenly all the noobs heard the story and now spam the super funny meme.

But man I’m too old to understand the Twitch chat when there’s 10k+ viewers and the comments are flying by with 99% of them being an emote or “LOL” or something very close to it.


Yeah i never understood those people, like you said a flying wall of text where no one reads anything from it.
One time i saw a youtube live chat when i wanted to watch a live documentary on black holes and boy there where some idiots that where forcing their beliefs on each other.

it wasnt until the standard rotation system was announced and Naxx was rotating “out” of standard. “NAXX OUT” really took off

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I was evaluating Lemminkäinen’s reply as long as yours, and I can’t quite remember one detail:
Was Naxxramas the only set to rotate out when Wild was implemented, though? Because hadn’t this been the case, it’s weird a “Naxx out” meme took of instead of a general “Wild” all-inclusive meme

Nope, it wasn’t.

I’ve always assumed the meme started when Naxx was released and then people kept saying that for some reason ? I have no idea…

Whenever a new expansion comes out you’ll see those spamming ‘‘NAXX OUT PogChamp’’

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Naxxramas was not only the first expansion ever to hit the game but it was also one of the messiest. They announced the release day but something came up and they ended up releasing that day, just one minute before midnight, technically that day but not really (specially during a week day).
As the day progressed and streamers started to become frustrated (some of started streaming really early waiting for the release), the false call of “NAXX IS OUT” became a joke really fast, since they HAD to check if it was true every time. The joke has been there every other release since.

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