A card to counter permanent effects

I disagree here. I think every card event should have a negate or destruction available.

I just don’t think you should be able to coherently run all of them. Like how viper makes your deck worse against non weapon decks, tech cards like that should be painful to run outside of targeting specific bad matchups rather than trying to cover every tech need.

Like, it’s ok if you have to run highlander to have Reno so you can counter Rheastrasza. It’s good for that to be an option.


See, I would enjoy seeing something like this. Auras have no counter at present, and neither does: for the rest of the game.
Quests really don’t either. All are the definition of “uninteractive”, to me.

10 Cost
Chromie’s Hijinks

Rewind the match back to turn 1. Remove this card from the game permanently.

Flavor Text: “Ok let’s try this just one more time…”

It doesnt hard counter or hard remove all the rest of the game effects like was OP suggested, but it just resets the status of those things back to before they had been played. The opponent can still play those things again but now you’ve given yourself another stab at beating them before they can draw them again.

WOnt lie, i can see people instantly conceding when someone else plays this. lol.

Hard pass on that idea.