6k Duo BG Full of Trolls?

Ever since I hit 6k, it is like 75% of my allies have no idea what they are doing, leave when we are winning, or just leave from the start. Anyone else experience this?

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Not 6k yet, but I would venture to guess that it’s because 6k floor is the same as D5 floor and dumpster legend.

People get to the last floor and they can no longer get better and so they just test/experiment and do dumb things because they no longer care because they have nothing to lose.

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That was my initial thought, but this is absurd. Get to 6k and see. I don’t know how to describe it. The majority are worse than players below 6k, and not even trying anything. They just don’t know how to play. And you have them trying to telling you what to do, bad moves. It’s not what you’re describing. Sure, some probably are, but so many are like, “How are you here?!” They try to pivot extremely late into the game. Then other just quit instantly. Because they didn’t get the champ they wanted? I guess. There should be a penalty for that. There is nothing you can do about this garbage. You can’t even easily message your partner. You need to friend them. It’s nuts.

Maybe there is bots playing. There was a duos questline.

Battlegrounds is full of bots and all this garbage. All sorts of nonsense happens, at 4000-6000 you get strange partners. who either don’t know how to play at all or leave the game, miss moves, or freak out. Some kind of complete game!
Friends who play BATTLEGROUNDS, add yourself to your partners. We can agree on the time of our joint games. I reached MMR 4000 with great difficulty! Played alone to take a closer look at all this garbage!

Especially after 4000 MMR, you constantly come across bots or some other garbage as partners that ruin the games. They purposefully lose or lose matches 10 times in a row or simply quit the game!

What do bots do if you win an MMP4000 match? They leave the game or remove all cards from the table. Yes, this is how Blizzard bots are configured!!!

At first I couldn’t understand what was happening, we won the match, but the player left. Perhaps it was a server outage, but then it began to happen cyclically from time to time. A partner leaves the game and cards are removed from the table with 100 percent victory and first place!

The main pests in BATTLEGROUNDS are Blizzard :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

listen friend this mode is about you getting good RNG than your opponents … its not about any magician skill you seem to think

I don’t know about all this. It seems to depend a lot on the time of day I play. It seems like a mode that needs a lot of fixing, though. I personally hit 5k pretty easily. 6k wasn’t all that hard either. But getting above 6.15 seems to be impossible. Your opponent either high-rolls or you get a partner that doesn’t know what they are doing (likely got a free ride in) or relies on you and doesn’t develop their own board, wasting gold sending you little pieces and making it less likely to find a win con (since they aren’t building towards one).

However, when you get a partner on your level and you both barely ping and just send what you know each other need and play in unison, it is quite satisfying. Then you run into a high-roll quillboar board…

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the only real explanation here is that" in the interest of speeding up queue, match finder will widen" this is the same thing they do in hots when theres not enough people, which explains why theres a lot of people who fundamentally dont understand how to play battlegrounds at high mmr

If Duo MMR works the same as Solos, I’m guessing 6k is the last plateau for MMR gain, so you’re probably seeing a lot of people who are casually playing the game and looking for absolute wins rather than MMR gain or perhaps they are trying different tribes instead of QBs/Dragons.

MMR is meanless. It was a potato farm this morning. I hate having to switch to scam just to give us an extra round or two because lack of a partner build

My wife who is a pro at hearthstone compared to me is at 6k and she is a very passive gamer

Even playing souls games she’s focused and unnerved

But duos 6k has made her so pissed off

She has told me do not go above 4k

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I’m almost 4.5k and I’ve encountered sooo many trolls it’s not funny that I’m at the point I want to just stop duo. I have allies that are looking and obviously ‘reading’ cards as if they have no idea what they are doing. Horrible builds, not even trolling you can tell they’re genuinely serious. It’s like I’ve been plunged back into the 0-1000 bracket. It doesn’t add up.

It really seems like the mode was only designed to prop up the numbers for bgs rather than have any meaningful, fun content for players.

And in 6k you have tons of allies who get pissed if you don’t play how they want you to. Even if you are winning, they just throw a fit and rage quit.