Mercenaries Gameplay Spotlight

Mercenaries Gameplay Spotlight

Learn about team construction, Bounties, and more for Hearthstone Mercenaries.

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I’m just going to have to wait until the tutorial or until someone else explains it. I am too dumb to understand just based of the article lol


It’s like Battlegrounds, but with more complicated characters. You can put three out at a time of your six characters, and you can set targets for their attacks and spells during each round of combat. When one side or another dies, you move on to the next battle, or thing.

There’s also a speed attribute set to each attack or ability. Speedy attackers move first instead of stuff happening from left to right.

Is it just me who are dumb? understand nothing, battlegrounds is the mode id play but last update destroyed it…

There is a crapton of information on Mercenaries spread throughout the 3 PlayHearthstone articles and the Reveal video stream (and even a Blizzard Support article).

I’m planning to make some videos to try to concisely explain things. Players are going to be needing them.

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Any type of video breaking it down would help, I know watching some of the Regis videos help me understand it better

A lot of information, but no cohesive gameplay videos. Sure, there are a few short clips of different aspects, but nothing complete.

Almost as if the devs were “asked” to put together an anouncement more than a month before the mode was polished enough to be shown to the public.

This is why they didnt want more than 9 deck slots… :wink:

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I’m really afraid that this is gonna become paid to win, considering the upgrade process is paying through gold!

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It’s pay to win before you even start. From what we’ve seen so far it’s very likely that you’ll need months to get ever a bit close to what people will get with just the pre-orders. Ofc that means that all those whales will get a head start on the bounties with extremely better rewards, increasing the gap. If the daily pvp quests include win’s it’s also possible that they’ll have an easier time completing those too (even if there is some matchmaking).

What we don’t know is what the hero level cap will be and if it can be gotten within a reasonable amount of time w/o paying for packs. If there isn’t a cap, you’ll be behind forever pretty much unless you make the mode your job.

Una precompra de esta porquería cuesta mas que TBOR con todos los dlc y Slay the spire Juntos y son muchisimo mejores ROGUELIKES uno esperaba que se basaran en grandes roguelikes y buenos sistemas de recompensas para esas runs pero hasta ahorita lo que mostraron es feo triste y decepcionante de que me sirve que haya un montón de personajes si al final no me divierte pulsar botones

Jugabilidad antes que chingaderas

Pas d’inquiétude ça sera présent
Mais cela ressemble à tous les rpg sur Android que tu peu trouver
Je ne sais pas quel cible blizz vise avec ce mode de jeu :yawning_face:

Ben si tu est attiré par le PvP oui tu va te prendre des baffes
Moi je pense m’en tenir qu’au mode pve
Pour le contenu :sweat_smile:

need money blizz??? lol NO!


yeah , im gonna need a video of the gameplay and also more info about the rewards before putting $ in to this .

今後も通常のハースストーン をメインにプレイする人にとっては、自動探索モードが欲しいです。

Trump does a good job explaining it;

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Сука вот как понять тем кто не знает английский язык?! Страны СНГ тоже ведь играют в Hearthstone. Модераторы работают на отъебись. Для них главное написать информацию и всё! А русскоязычные пусть мучаются с переводом.