I think I finally hit the cap. I barely see players that haven’t bought the seasons pass, and the algorithm’s pendulum does not swing my way at all anymore.
I’m facing players that have 3 golden minions on board on turn 7. I get trinkets recommended to me that have nothing to do with the minions I have on board. I sometimes go 10 refreshes without seeing a minion type I need.
When I have an undead pirate up, I can go 3 matches in a row where it will be the first thing to get attacked and die. Same with the minion that turns into a tier card when it dies.
I get recommended bad heroes aswell. Last night I went from 5000 to 5700, 4 wins in a row, pretty good right? Now I had 10 games where I never end up first, only in the top 4th, only for a horrible loss with “”““bad””“” luck to bring me down all the way.
If a third party addon can predict your winrate matchup, then a system that favors seasonal players can be put into place aswell.
It’s just not right when I’ve been losing so many matches where the attack algorithm is always on my bad side. I’ve been playing too much where I can tell it’s not a coincidence anymore.
I legit think the higher rating you climb as an f2p, the worse the algorithm goes in your favor, with trinkets to card matchups in the tavern to the attack algorithm.
I don’t play dragons anymore. I only get tier 1 to 2 dragons despite being tier 5. I don’t play beasts or pirates either, unless the cards in the tavern match extremely well. I only bother with quilboar or undead, sometimes mech. It’s funny how I am at 8 matches in a row without quilboar, like the game knows I win too much with it.
And when I suddenly have an insane board, I face a player who already has 50 attack minions somehow on turn 8. It’s legit impossible to play this game sometimes when the trinkets and the tavern minions you get don’t synergize at all.