5600 rating as a f2p

I think I finally hit the cap. I barely see players that haven’t bought the seasons pass, and the algorithm’s pendulum does not swing my way at all anymore.

I’m facing players that have 3 golden minions on board on turn 7. I get trinkets recommended to me that have nothing to do with the minions I have on board. I sometimes go 10 refreshes without seeing a minion type I need.

When I have an undead pirate up, I can go 3 matches in a row where it will be the first thing to get attacked and die. Same with the minion that turns into a tier card when it dies.

I get recommended bad heroes aswell. Last night I went from 5000 to 5700, 4 wins in a row, pretty good right? Now I had 10 games where I never end up first, only in the top 4th, only for a horrible loss with “”““bad””“” luck to bring me down all the way.

If a third party addon can predict your winrate matchup, then a system that favors seasonal players can be put into place aswell.

It’s just not right when I’ve been losing so many matches where the attack algorithm is always on my bad side. I’ve been playing too much where I can tell it’s not a coincidence anymore.

I legit think the higher rating you climb as an f2p, the worse the algorithm goes in your favor, with trinkets to card matchups in the tavern to the attack algorithm.

I don’t play dragons anymore. I only get tier 1 to 2 dragons despite being tier 5. I don’t play beasts or pirates either, unless the cards in the tavern match extremely well. I only bother with quilboar or undead, sometimes mech. It’s funny how I am at 8 matches in a row without quilboar, like the game knows I win too much with it.

And when I suddenly have an insane board, I face a player who already has 50 attack minions somehow on turn 8. It’s legit impossible to play this game sometimes when the trinkets and the tavern minions you get don’t synergize at all.

I think you’re wrong, I do have a pass now but didn’t last season, I’m at the same level as last time (dangling between 6400 and 6700)

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I’m 9100 free to play. There is no cap.


Then focus on not obtaining types of minions u dont want, but most of the time, even neutral lesser trinkets are ok, to ensure the greater trinkets to work in your favor be sure to clear your board from other types of minions.

Thats why u use sticky minions and taunt to protect it.

But thats the idea, if u are winning a lot than the game matches u with other players that can also get 1st place 4 games in a row, its just fair.

I’m no jeef or dog but…if u are going for dragons…why level up to 5? I can only think about yulon but even then its quite risky, since the main parts for the comp are on 4 u end up polluting your pool most of the time.

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Nah, I’m 5950 and I barely play more than once every 2 days. Though around 6500 the game starts getting tough. To go 7000 you have to tryhard a little or at least play a lot of games per week.

PS Rating depends a little on the part of the season, e.g. 6k today is reasonable but hard to get it at the first week if you play little.

Pretty sure you are at your cap from your description of what you experience, but it has nothing to do wth F2P.

Your descriptions suggest you’re not playing well enough to climb - falling behind by rolling, not understanding the flex/tempo trinkets that are usually the best choice first spot, and tunnelling a tribe you don’t actually have.


7k at solo and duo as f2p this round, dropped down to 7k as solo xD having fun in duo! Luck is luck, i dropped down because of bad choices, or trying to force fun builds :sweat_smile:

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You might not fundamentally know what you are doing in the first place, I know it sounds harsh. You don’t choose your build. In Battlegrounds you are supposed play the most optimal path that the game lays out for you. There are thousands of different comps to play, not just restricted to tribal builds either.

It looks like you are still choosing what tribes/builds to play because you have limited understanding of different comps to build. Which is probably why you also said you are rolling for certain tribal minions a lot as well.


Here is your problem. You are trying to force a comp with a single tribe. That’s NOT how you play BG’s.

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You’re kind of all over the place here, talking about things that are RNG, things that are part of the current design, trinkets, strategy, plus free to play, and you’re kind of lumping too many of them together.

I know there’s no hard cap at 5,600 because I’m just a regular doofus, also f2p, and I’ve managed to drift to the point at 6,500. That’s where they stop protecting your rating with a floor, although maybe you typoed it and that’s where you are. The competition does get noticeably stiffer at that level, though, which is why I’ve capped out there.

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How exactly are you able to tell if another player has the pass or not? Also I get what you mean by “cap”. Unlike the others here, I understand you mean your personal ceiling.

I encounter this frequently as well, sometimes it is even me. If Im offered 2 of the same minion, even if it isnt part of my build, I;ll freeze em/ buy them in the effort to grab the frist triple reward I can as that is normally the best path to key minions, not always, but usually is. So if you are offered 2 of the same elemental despite you trying to go murlocs and its only turn 3 or 4, just go for the easy to reach for triples. Chances are thats what your opponents are also doing to get the multi goldens so early. As for the refreshes, minimize that to most you can. if its the turn you have 6 gold, dont refresh looking for anything, just snag the 2 largest stats minions your can out of what you are offered. refreshes, especially early on, will only put you behind.

I view both of those minions, without a series of taunters in place already, as traps. Dont go for them unless you can guarantee they will pay off.

You are gonna have win streaks, and losing streaks. Its no different than flipping a coin heads so many times in a row and tails so many times in a row. It’d be nice if it went one way for longer than the other, or at least mixed it up a bit and went back and forth more often, but that isnt how chances work, probability, sure, but not chances. And its always hard to disconnect the two from each other when its supposed to be attributed to things like our skill. The game is mostly a game of random chance, each refresh of the tavern is another pull on the lever of the slot machine, and we just hope for a favorable outcome each pull of the lever. Knowing to make the most of each one of those pull results is where the skill comes from. Such as when to know a Leeroy is your better choice than say a venomous minion, or another stat scaling tribe minion, etc. Or the guy that wrecks all the divine shields, or the one that gives a t5 or higher enemy taunt, etc. Small decisions like these can change your outcome over the desire to make your board stats maxxed out as possible. sometimes. not always lol.

Biggest issue sounds like you arent grabbing the taunt giving/reborn giving/ etc protectors for your key minions that scale your builds the best they can. So many time the Baron is taken out first if I have no taunters at all. SO MANY TIMES. Knowing how to protect your build from being crippled is key to those builds usually.

You are gonna face highrollers. cant avoid it usually. I encounter people with quillboar in the 600+ stats across their whole board and best I can achieve with the tribe is maybe 1 reaches the upper 90s stats. I just dont get the key quillboars that allow it, or the perfect pair of trinkets. it is what it is.

Just gotta be sure you are making all the best possible decisions you can made available to you, and if you are, and you lose, then you know you gave it your all. No shame or issue with losing at that point. Sometimes you will be given the perfect pair or trinkets and still someone can beat you.

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F2P player here. I usually hit my cap between 6000 and 7000. I am at 6400 now, best I ever did was 7200. And I know I’m definitely not a perfect player.

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I’m also hovering around 6-6.5k, but my playstyle is simply forcing a build, because i really don’t get the game too much. Looking at how high level players play i immediately understood that. They have a different way of seeing things.

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I just click surrender every time the game gives me boring heroes, I never understood why people chase some rating number like a donkey after a carrot. Even playing like this I got to 5900 from time to time. And the fact that the undead pirate always dies first is already a standard of this game, I only buy it when the board is full of taunts.

It’s not just vanity. It’s boring to play against very low skill compared to your own skill. You might have noticed if you google the cheat codes of a single-player game: you instantly get bored playing it.

E.g. I find BGs too easy until ~6K, though it depends a little at the time in the season (high ranked players at late season have low rank temporarily at the start of the season).

I find the difference between 5000 and 5900 minimal. There is always some high roller in every game

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