5100 hours playing battlegrounds

As a 52yo lifelong gamer I have got to say this is about the most luck dictated game I’ve ever played, lol. The luck aspect is what makes the game fun, but also super frustrating. Every good strategy relies on particular minions. And, if you don’t get the minions you pretty much can’t win. As fun as the luck fest is, I’d really love it if they could remove some of the more frustrating aspects.

Allowing players to choose whatever hero they want is one way. There are already ways to attain the same hero power ingame, so it’s not like it’s a big deal to have heros with the same power. They just want to make money selling a battlegrounds pass. But, the game would be soo much more fun if you could play with the hero you wanted.

This game also really needs a battle AI to make smart decisions when attacking. It’s ridiculous when you minions all attack the worst possible minion they could, while the opponents all attack good targets.

The biggest luck factor in the game imo is getting triples and discovering a minion from a tier above. This can either give you the best hero on your board, or total junk. Nothing is more frustrating than getting 3-4 high tier discovers and they are all junk. So, I wish the discover function would allow for more than 3 options.

I know alot of people will say my recommendations are stupid and that the game is the way it is…don’t try to change it. But, shouldn’t there always be an effort to improve?


Randomness is a big factor in a single match - and it becomes worse by power creep - but it’s a zero sum game given a lot of games, because your bad luck today is your good luck tomorrow and the same goes for your opponent.

It’s a big problem only if you play very few games and you want to judge your skill or the ability of a deck by those few games because it’s frankly impossible without waiting for at least ~60 games.

Very roughly speaking if you play 60 to 80 games in the same month then it shouldn’t be a big problem because that’s the sample size the the stats seem to stabilize on third-party stats sites.

It’s also a problem on tournaments because it’s really nonsense if they want us to believe that 3 games only on a final actually told us who the best between the 2 was.

It’s really not “luck” per se, there’s a patented algorithm which can be found in Google. I’m not going to make any points regarding the patent because it starts a big wha hoo with the troll types so we’ll just leave it at that.

Part of the algorithm is scaled by payments made. That said, perhaps if you’d like to enjoy better luck, buy something.

I personally refuse to get in the habit of Hearthstone purchases as I already pay for WoW Classic and on occasion Dragon City. To be honest though, I don’t find the Hearthstone team worthy of my money. Balance has always been a sore spot with me, as is the lack of interaction between the opposing player and many decks in standard and ranked play.

Just my opinion, nothing aside from the first two paragraphs has meaning to anyone but me. Honestly, Blizzard hates me. I’m at the bottom of their algorithm.

Everyone would be gunning for the same five heroes if that was allowed depending on the meta.

It’s not easy at all to change your hero power. What are you even talking about?

They are meant to be a guide. Most of the time one of the choices is going to be worth taking and lead you in a direction. That’s only for early in a match though. Late game tripling is less important and in many cases there are minions you shouldn’t triple if you have duplicates in play.

They do improve the game. Players are just frustrated that the seasonal mechanic was dictated by the ridiculous Starcraft crossover. IF we had a new mechanic to play with the game would be FAR more interesting.

It’s their intended design:

Check out the section about Rivendare.

Oh, almost forgot: if you think they’ve been jesting, it’s probably the “Dontcha guys have phones?” (or what was it) kind of joke.


They probably have implemented this kind of advanced AI, as described above, just in order to make you suffer (for not paying them more, being too smart, playing too well and winning more than you ‘deserve’, not being their ‘big streamer’ poster child or whatnot), moreover, they’re going to rub salt in your wounds with ‘funny’ bits like this and gaslight you, directly or with the help of their devoted forum lackeys, about it, as if you’re paranoid, a conspiracy nut and so on.

Trolls/bots/alternatively smart posters keep spamming the same nonsense… Beep, boop.

And you’ve asked why you should probably stop playing, at least in my opinion.

I didn’t bother mentioning that bit about BGs being P2W (having been for some time, getting progressively more so) last time, the point being kinda obvious, tbh… Apparently, you have realised it, and yet, you have asked.

And that’s a problem? There’s this ‘draft’ mode or whatever, like LOL has done (maybe still do, I just haven’t watched for a long time, dunno, can’t be bothered), so you could still have this hero-picking thing sorted out.

Competitive players probably wanna pick a stronger hero anyway, so I don’t see why this’d be worse than randomly getting a hero you want — or not, with the odds increased (but even then, it’s not guaranteed) in the most predatory fashion for those poor suckers who paid for it.

(Updated and edited a bit)

is not luck, the game is decided by blizzard algorithm; as soon as it make the lobby it decide who will win and what will be your final result based on your win rating, how much rating you gained/lost while not controlled by him and most important how much money you spent in the shop.
thats why you’ll see vevry often verey improbable results back to back for many games in a row

and all the people that is answering you with 1500+ comments are blizzard employers so dont bother read them

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Speak for yourself. :stuck_out_tongue:

oh no you definetly are a blizztard employe, you pop out and start to say bullsh1t as soon as someone write a post about the algoritm.
and your and the other rats existance is the proof that the algoritm exists and blizztard do a lot of job for try to hide it (failing miserably)
if you are a legit player add me in game, lets see if you play BG and whats your rating :slight_smile:

Why would I bother adding a blizzbot with 13 (alright, 14 now) posts? :thinking:

The sole purpose of your sorry little existence is to pop out of nowhere, post your inflammatory pro-company nonsense and sink back into obscurity again. If there is a person behind this account, come back once you’ve learned to read, at least, little bootlicker. :sunglasses:

LOL okay. This has got to be the most hilarious statement of them all.


Nope, the most hilarious, in my opinion, is that the character can’t even read, apparently. :rofl:

Projector, your forum spamming, is the most obvious AI generated content in this domain.

you gave 5200 hours of your life to blizzard? kudos when you give your soul too?

I’m pretty sure no one responds to him anymore. He’s got some… issues. Just wish him well and ignore him as everyone else does.

This is where smart use of taunts and positioning is important. While not able to completely control this, you can certainly smooth out the risks with good play.

It’s a big moment in the game, certainly, but it’s unlikely that they will reprogram discover to fix this issues.

I would suggest the issue is better resolved by pruning the pool of minions to eliminate more junk, which they did in the most recent bg update - they got rid of overperforming and underperforming, making the average minion better.

This would make you both more likely to discover the minions you want and also more lilkely to find good minions in the shop. This issue has been a problem for some time, and hopefully the will continue to address it.

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As opposed to some people getting a hero they like while others get a hero they don’t? Who cares if everyone is playing the same hero. Would just go to show that maybe that hero is broken and needs to be adjusted.

I’m talking about the tavern spell that lets you pick a new hero power. I think it’s on tier 5.

When you are tripling one tier 5 you are no longer looking for direction, you are looking for the tier 6 that makes your board so much stronger. The only minions that i sometime don’t triple on purpose, which is the pirate that gives deathrattle to all other pirates and the guy that kills anyone that kills him.

The algorithm explains a lot as I have never spent anything on the game. I get screwed over quit regularly. 10 years of free play and over 100k gold saved and 950+ unopened packs, lol.

Part of the enjoyment of BG’s is taking something suboptimal and making it work. If you get first EVERY game there’s no joy or challenge in that. It’s like playing games with cheat codes.

Most builds don’t require tier 6 minions.

Cruise controller and Leeroy. How can you not know their names with 5100 hours played?

You say this but i hardly believe it. You are acting as though you are owed wins every game. It’s certainly not the flex you think it is.

Maybe for you, but I’d prefer to have the choice of what hero I want to use based on the minion pool. Some heroes are completely useless without certain tribes.

The tier 5 triple was an example as some tribes do require tier 6 minions, like elementals.

Wow, you are a real ball buster. As if names matter. You identify a minion by how it looks.

And finally… wtf are you even talking about? Why the hell would I lie about something that doesn’t matter at all. Where did I EVER imply I was owed wins? I offered suggestions for what I thought would improve the game and all you did was come here and talk crap. Get a life.

P.S. gimme a place to post a pic and i’ll show you my gold/packs.

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People lie and flex about anything and everything. Nothing new.

:rofl: That’s probably why you bothered to comment — no, call out, even — that minor and insignificant point explicitly — just to show how much you don’t care.

‘And I’ve been chasing him for three days just to tell him how indiffirent I am to him.’ :joy:

Yes, this forum is rife with… characters like Reno.

Doesn’t mean everyone is like your little tribe of… forum regulars (myself excluded, of course :grinning: :rofl: Naturally, I’m something else, that’s probably why so many of you lot get triggered by my posts; but I digress), by the way.