5 Nerfs and 10 bufs.... But we don't know yet?

How is those nerfs bad for priests?

The core 3/1 rush, obviously. Why would anyone run crabrider when that thing exists? /s


We usually learn about them the day before. And while I personally would like to know now, what would be the point, really? Patch is not going to come out any sooner, so what benefit is there to knowing five days ahead of time?

Because they won’t be there to get farmed by Priest.

Any time a deck that targets the decks that are strong(getting nerfed), and loses to the decks that those strong decks themselves are farming, it’s bad news for that deck.

You have to remember the second order differential equation.

Fair point, still not convinced though as I don’t see what class can challenge priests if they kill off warlock… that being said l, if they buff 10 cards hopefully they have the foresight to make sure someone are left to challenge priest!

Weapon Rogue at top legend is not even close in beating Priest like Warlock, is actually Priest favored.

For other ranks except top legend, weapon is indeed favored because them Priest misplayed a lot.

Where did you see matchup specific data exclusively for “Top Legend”?

And please define what “Top Legend” means within the context of the data set; as well as the specific win rate for the matchup.

if you are part of it you will get it. If you are not then you are not, any further explanation would be meaningless cause you weren’t part of the top 200 with stats of daily games being shared around.

According to the latest VS report, Spell Mage has a favorable matchup against Control Priest, and so does Midrange DH (the one that runs Inquisitors), Poison Rogue, and Secret Rogue. The DH and Poison Rogue decks in particular are likely to become more popular once Paladin gets nerfed.


That’s what I thought.

Actually, I should try my best to explain, I was on my phone earlier.

Heres the scenario of the matchup for Weapon Rogue against Control Flesh Giant Priest.

  1. Weapon Rogue’s Shank has a durability count, it doesn’t have unlimited charges because the deck only has 6 poison in it (wand maker could create more but you have to get lucky) making 8 charges the highest without being lucky, Shanks is not an unlimited hit weapon.

  2. Silverleaf poison card draw is a bait against good Priest player, the good Rogues will only play 1x on the weapon and won’t put the 2nd poison unless the Priest had a bad starting hand and draws, despite its a poison and it can give Shank additional durability, but because weapon Rogue cycle through their deck so fast, the draw 2 card per hit will likely come back to bite Rogue later on due to fatigue damage and running out of cards (per hit), Rogue will kill themselves eventually if they cannot kill the Priest fast enough with 2 silverleaf poison in their weapon. As Rogue ran out of cards in their deck, in just 2 turns, Rogue will inflict 21 fatigue damage to themselves, and the 3rd turn will never come. So even if the Rogue has a 10 damage immune when attack and unlimited charge weapon, they cannot stop the draw 2 cards per punch and just die to fatigue.

  3. Weapon Rogue has minions, and this is an issue for them, they cannot make the minion go away and it punishe the Rogue when they play those minions, the 2/1 Prize Plunderer, 2/2 Wandmaker and 3/10 Mankrik will get punished by Priest Flesh Giant broom Apo rush lifesteal, and it can gain more by using Hysteria running into the lifesteal giant.

When the Priest player don’t misplay and the Rogue player went with the gamble with 2 silverleaf poison used, it’s always gg for the Rogue, it boils down to Illucia removing 1 or 2 sinister strike and the game is likely over for the Rogue because Rogue can’t burst 26 dmg(26 is standard highest dmg if wandmaker didn’t conjure additional deadly poison) in a single turn.

  1. You claimed Control Priest beats Weapon Rogue
  2. You claimed to be part of the Secret Top Legend cabal.

I don’t believe either one.

Welp I am rank 222, pm me if u want screenies.

If you don’t believe is fine tho, I just feel like sharing and I think sharing that info might come back to bite Rogue later on as people pick up those information as Priest (considering the other ranks misplayed so much in this matchup)

Eitherway it hurt me more by sharing it, there is nothing for me to gain in spreading info. You can continue to not believe and think otherwise is completely fine, I think is normal for you to not believe, it would be problematic if you believe(lol)

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DansGame . Funny you mention it.

Well, this should be a pretty juicy balance patch.

With five nerfs, I don’t know if they’ll hit both Incanter’s Flow and Spring Water, but I’m sure Spell Mage is getting a kick in the hoo-ha.

With ten freaking buffs though, I expect to see some love for Hero Power Mage, which may very well swing things in favor of the very first iteration I built for this expansion.

Lemons into lemonade, folks. We got ten buffs coming!

With buffs I can see them kicking BS Mage to the curb and giving Wildfire some much needed juice

You have no idea how perfectly fine with that notion I am lol.

My original build was a fair bit more minion-heavy, making IF and Water terrible inclusions. Worked great against Priest/Warlock, had trouble dealing with Paladin unless you got lucky on your draws by the midgame.

Well I have this Mordresh that I opened which is never going to see play otherwise, so i’m game

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They should buff cards which no one plays. Like that druid legendary that gives a non taunt version of a taunt minion.

I was thinking that too but what would you buff for hunter? All their cards either work well with the main strategy they have at the moment or buffing them would either do nothing or create overstatted minions that would just go into face hunter for their cheap stats.

DH has deathrattle, druid has taunt, mage has hero power, paladin has dudes and handbuffing, priest has spell spamming and buffs, rogue has secrets, shaman has murlocs or elementals, warrior has frenzy, and warlock has zoo but I can’t think of anything that could use a buff for hunter. There’s Tavish but if you buff him to a 3/5 or 2/6 that’s just an aggressively statted minion for 3 mana with some upside, if you reduce his mana cost then he’s a 2/5 for 2. His effect doesn’t leave room for buffing either.