4 Games In A Row, Killed From Hand No Board

I am out, for good this time, can’t take this anymore, 4 games in a row trying to play the game and I am killed from hand, with full health and no board, that’s before reach 10 manas.

HS is not even a shadow of it past self.

Warriors are weaker this month. Playing the same class all the time is not how the game is designed to be played.

Also if you use a fast deck they may never get to go 10 mana or OTK.

So you say. :eyes: :eyes:

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No, burgle rogue, but this is not a factor, the game is not suppose to be a Solitaire where you just ignore what your opponent do and build (super easy) an Exodia out of the thin air.

I did before and take a break of months, but this time is done for good.

“Looks at Stormwind meta”

this one isn’t too bad to be totally honest.

Oh man, if you’re playing Burgle Rogue you may as well just shelf that idea for at least another 6 months. You may as well just play Whizbang.

We must accept when our favorite deck or class is simply not playable in a current meta.

I accepted that Control Priest wasn’t playable in UiS meta, so I just played Warlock.
I accept that Control Priest isn’t playable in this meta, so I’m playing DK.

Ditch Burgle Rogue unless it gets buffed. It ain’t worth it man. This meta isn’t having it.

I never care for not playing a meta competitive deck, I play for years with my own decks and have fun winning or not.

The issue now is I try to play the f… game, play minions on board, heal, kill opponent minions, like always, and then, out of nothing, before turn 10, from hand, no board the opponent kill me with little to no setup.

I never have a problem with OTK decks when they deserve the win, like old Malygos druid, Mechathun or Exodia mage, but now is like everyone decide to play Solitaire and this just ruined the game for me.

Who were the culprits?

Let me guess - Rogue, Mage and Druid?

yeah trust me I’ve really been trying, I unpacked both Rogue Signatures this expac and they are both beyond awful

x3 druids and x1 paladin.

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I get what you’re saying. There are a lot of very high rolling big damage decks right now.

However, and this is coming from someone who hates OTK decks, the meta is extremely diverse. Like, really, really diverse. There’s a lot of decks and a lot of classes.

The problem is that Rogue is currently garbage. This is like the first time in 3 years or so that this statement has ever been made lol. Rogue has been a very privileged class in the last few years and always had a top deck or 2. But this meta is dead Rogue meta.

It feels bad because you’re playing a really feels bad class right now. This meta isn’t a value meta.

Any time there are more than 1 OTK decks floating around, the value decks don’t work and it’s miserable.

You just got to find what you like playing in another class.

Thus, for me, I went from playing Control Priest to Control DK. Same style, less value, different options.

If you really want to play a Burgle package, or something that plays with randomly generated cards from another class, you could try playing Razzle Dazzle DK as it has several class generation cards that work with Razzle Dazzle payoff.

But Rogue ain’t it right now my man. It cannot deal with the massive swings right now.

losing ticking zilliax is just :frowning:

still can’t believe we didn’t just hit Chemical Spill honestly.

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Now more people are running the double attack on their turn (like Handbuff Paladin). It’s now the most obnoxious minion because most classes can’t kill a a 5/7 on turn 3. It’s ridiculous.

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in exca rogue? That makes sense in painlock obviously but really?

I feel like Exca Rogue is too slow to make that minion worthwhile (I’ve been running Perfect + Haywire in my attempts at exca rogue)

I honestly do not know how common it is. But I’ve seen it now in Painlock, Handbuff Paladin, Shaman and Demon Hunter. Previously, I had only seen it in Handbuff. But a lot of the tempo/aggro decks are picking it up instead. I don’t know if it helps in Rogue but imagine it couldn’t hurt. What else does Rogue have to lose at this point?

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yeah, turn 1 2/1 into turn 2 coin it out is often gg on the spot and has been since Zilly’s release lol

goes to show how explosive decks need to be to beat the big three though

the best performing Exca Rogue lists are already running Pain Fiend… too much self-damage and Exca Rogue runs into the same problems Pain Lock has… without INFERNAL! or actually scary tempo plays.

I can’t love this post enough

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It’s very bad since Whizbands in general, but especially about the average and the new player. The only decks viable seemed to be extremely high APM; the golden age of rogue was Badlands; it had a good balance between being relatively high APM but also not too much while the outcomes were very diverse because it had a healthy level of randomness (maybe an unhealthy level of randomness for the OPPONENT because it was extremely hard to PREDICT what the rogue would do because not even the rogue knew what the random outcomes would be).

I’ve lost games to elemental decks because I can’t deal with 3/3 rush on turn 2 :frowning:

…and then yesterday I messed around with holy pally, unironically casting drink on myself on turn 1, so that I could lightbot on turn 2, and I actually won a few games from that :joy: