The Felfire Festival brings Pirates to Battlegrounds, the Trial by Felfire Story Adventure, and more!
will we be able to acquire mecha-jaraxxus?
We dont need Battlegrounds.
Battlegrounds is Random-Stone Squared. Its compltely another game.
You* don’t need Battlegrounds.
Players that are bad at the actual game play BG, don’t @ me
This is what I wanna know too!
Probably not: he was exclusive in a bundle, if i remember correctly. I don’t think they want to sell bundle exclusive heroes
Yes I was hoping to hear about a bundle with Mecha-Jaraxxus or just having him available in the shop. It’s been 2 years, why can’t we buy him now?
If you look at the news article from the Boomsday Project announcement, the word “exclusive” is not used in referring to Mecha-Jaraxxus. I don’t think it’s ever used in other hero portrait bundles. I just don’t get why they wouldn’t be willing to make some extra money off these portraits. Do they really think a significant amount of the player base would be offended?
Are you kidding us?
Take a look around on these forums. There are people here who get offended when a Blizzard employee breathes too loud.
I don’t know, and i also don’t know why heroes skins aren’t always available when there are a lot of people who would buy them.
It would be fair for those who want it to buy it to have the chance of spending money to obtain it (not free = nobody can be offended, right?); but i don’t see any advertisement about it, that’s why i think it won’t be purchasable
Probably not a significant amount, no. But they’ll be a surprisingly loud minority.
In the mean time, no improvements to iOS experience? By all means, push more unstable content that will be unplayable to mobile users.
Crashes will continue until morale improves - Sincerely, Management