30.6 Known Issues

I got one Marin the Manager from Catch-Up Packs in the Apprentice Track, and one when I achieved the Apprentice Track. Recently I bought the Pass and got a golden Marin the Manager, but there is no card replacement options popping up. Now I have three undecomposable card, all the Marin the Manager, two normal and one golden.

i got the same bug, the mysterybox get duplicated though

Spitescale sushi roll worked only on the turn i chose that trinket. After that, i never got the spell off that trinket. I was playing Lich King and obviously playing Nagas.

I encountered a bug today related to the «Steam Cleaner» and «King Togwaggle» cards. My opponent played «King Togwaggle» and passed the turn to me, I in turn played «Steam Cleaner» and instead of destroying both decks, he destroyed only mine and because of that I lost a long match( I hope this bug will be corrected, because this is as stupid a defeat as possible.

I wanted to add i am unable to interact with my hero power and my partners hero power in battlegrounds duos like placing a question etc on it like before.

Same issue! I’m not able to disenchant it at ALL.

When it will be fixed? Because I already waiting for 10 days and it starting to get me worries about it

Because I never seen that this was added to the list of known bugs.

I still have the only 1 copy of “Garrosh’s gift” when I supposed to have 2 copies.
For other claseses I have 2 copies of their gifts.

I think that Mysterious Challenger is similarly bugged as Private Eye: whenever my opponent plays it, it causes my client to freeze and disconnect. Restarting the client helps reconnect to the game.

I am still experiencing sign in problems since the new patch arrived. The hearthstone app keeps telling me I am unable to sign in through blizzard services.

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I haven’t been able to login for two days, I am receiving an error message that says “ unable to login with blizzard services.

The signature Skyla card still can’t be disenchanted, no way

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I’ve had this since January and it has never made the known issues list :frowning:

I’ve just finished a game of Battlegrounds duos with a friend and for some reason there was a de-sync in our boards and health. My friend had just gotten the greater trinket “move out box” and as advertised, it copied my board to his. The very next combat somehow I lost while he won it. The exact same thing happened the following turn, killing me, and leaving him to continue playing. During that second combat I realized that from my perspective, the board had not properly carried over (It was missing a bassgill for me). We assume this is a bug with the trinket. Please fix this asap.

“Lootbox!” and “Friendly Fire” achievement still bugged.

There are some players using DDOS in this games. second time in a week i was disconnected at the beggining of the game. It was NOT on my end, and alteast 1 or 2 others from lobby had the same disconnect. Also, the game did not allow me to reconnect until the first round has passed.

there is a bug if u play monstrous form on a dammaged minion and it gives the minion more hp than it originaly has it will heal the minion. In my game i had a disposal assistant with 1 hp and monstrous form healed it back to 2 after its effect.

why you don’t remove the private eye right now???When u think u will fix ??

Garrosh gift bug still there after 2 months