30.0.3 Warrior rip?

I didn’t see any decent warrior decks from the start of the expansion except zillax (with or without brann)

It was fun to play 20+ minutes games zillax vs zillax because of mindgames with this mech. Deck is not unbalanced especially brann one. It’s just rewarding that somehow you managed to survive until 10 mana. Just look at druid otk, masochist warlock or paladins. If you’re unlucky with receiving spells for controlling the board, you’re just dead (again especially brann version). Just armor won’t win you the game.

New suggested axe deck seems still bad because you either defend yourself with it (and lose without minions) or lose because you had no enough time to receive enough minions. Even 4/20 whale won’t save you because 99% of deck nowadays has insta removals. So even if you place your taunts, there is no way to survive. Also 4 mana for releasing creatures is too much because you can’t combine it with 7 mana sleep under the stars (it gives 3 mana, so you must wait again or receive 6 mana and only 2 minions [if you’re lucky enough because you can receive spells and you’re again done :slight_smile:]).

zillax vs paladin is balanced:
Paladins have a lot of drawing cards, a lot of very high stats creatures. There is not enough cards for warrior to control. Sometimes can’t even kill 1/2 gold panner so he draws like 3-4 cards. So your win condition is to buff minions and place only 1-2 at the same time with attack below 6 (to not let kill zillax). And if you have sir finley you can win pretty easily because warrior should kill his zillax himself and it requires a lot of effort (like no board + (11 mana/10 mana + coin) + bladestorm + zillax).

zillax vs DK is balanced: pretty same reason because DK has reska. Warriors just afraid of losing zillax not by death. So even if DK does not plays reska, the thought of the opponent might have it is crippling.

zillax vs OTK (druid/mage) is balanced (almos): druid is not killing by using all of their spells? well, every deck then should kill druid. it’s simple idea: if you’re great at early and mid game then you should be weak in endgame for example.

druid has so much damage that it’s disguisting you can survive with 30 hp + 30 armor. like why? and 30 armor on zillax warrior is a goldfish (especially brann version).

zillax warrior is not unbeatable: it has wr about of 0% vs pain lock. And I assume that playing warlock vs zillax is so much fun, just bulling warrior by jail (maybe early/mid decks should play with jail too??)

Well I agree that killing over9000 zillaxes is not fun, but blizzard nerfed it to 0. Why not nerf only one of 2 key cards? Why both? I believe that it’s ok to nerf just hydration station