30 Years of Warcraft (not Blizzard) Card back

Has anyone gotten it? I got the Twitch drops but it wasn’t included (not even sure it was supposed to be). It has said “available when purchasable” in the shop for a long time but its never shown up. I basically just want to confirm if anyone has gotten it and how. I found out about it because I filtered my “Missing” cards and it was there. I’ve done all the events, watched streams, and checked the shop so I have no idea why its not there. Seems like its way overdue to be available since the event is going on 3 weeks.

It was part of the recent event with the Champions of Azeroth cards and Hogger skin

I’ve seen some reports that people on mobile can’t see their Champions of Azeroth cards, so try restarting Hearthstone to see if it shows up

I’m on PC–and I got the card youa re talking about, this is different. Its definitely ont that event.

Oh, I see the one you’re talking about in the collection manager. No idea on that one. This is the one I was talking about, but I guess it’s called the World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary card back

For clarity, the card you are thinking of is 20 years of WOW. I have that one. 30 years of warcraft not wow, is the one that is missing. Edit: Sorry I just realized you had responded, we were typing at the same time. all good!

Yeah not sure about how to get that 30 years of warcraft one as well :frowning:

I just found it now and this is the only post talking about it. You still haven’t figured it out?

No, please enlighten us

I meant I don’t know it either, I just wanted to leave a comment here if anyone has a clue in the future.

oh Gotcha, sorry. I misread your meaning. I"m still interested as well. The new items in the shop today are just hero skins.