3 weeks of druid fun

Druidstone for a few more weeks then let hope blizzard stop making dumb nerfs and actually fix the problem along with few others.

Druid in mage drag you mean.

I’m willing to bet they don’t nerf it correctly.

Dragon Druid has a multitude of broken stuff from Nestmatron to Sleep Under the Stars to Doomkin and even all the way to Eonar.

I really don’t think they are going to nerf it correctly because it needs more than a single nerf.

They nerfed the dragon to 3 and it’s STILL too strong.
They nerfed the stats on the Chia Drake and it’s STILL too strong.

This deck has been nerfed several times over already and they still haven’t figured out it’s not a single card causing the issues, it’s the synergy they put into the cards that makes them too strong together.

For example, Dorian outside of Druid is fine. Dorian with Sleep Under the Stars combo is practically game ending and isn’t fine but only Druid has the ramp and discounts to do this combo as fast as it does all while locking the opponent out of playing the game while you do it.

I played the deck last night and won 5 games in a row and each game felt like I was cheating.

I cheated like near 100 mana in one game simply because of how Dorian operates. Had 1 card in hand (sleep under the stars), drew Dorian. Played the combo. Grabbed a Marin Eonar and Yogg which were all 0 and a 1 cost copy. Played Marin and Eonar, drew practically my entire deck, everything in my hand is either 0 or 1 cost and just spit out a board full of stats all while also draining the enemies mana AND hitting them for 22+ damage with gem tosser AND filled my entire hand up in a single turn.

It’s busted.

Dragon druid is extremely weak, before it has at least ~7-8 mana. Kill it with aggro.

That’s not really true. It’s extremely weak before 7-8 mana AND if it doesn’t draw dragons.

Once they hit a dragon and taunt up and stat up and refresh mana crystals, it’s over.

Turn 3 with 4 mana dropping a 3/4 taunt 3/4 taunt and 2/4 draw a spell minion is anything but weak against aggro. You pretty much just solidified the game right there.

They just need to delete marin… or get rid of the card that draws 3 and sets them to 0… If they want to leave it in for some reason make it like skull of guldan and draw 3 cards and reduce the mana cost by 3.

Marin is the big problem (and to a lesser extent the doomkin spam).

I say let them have the eonar highroll though.

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Sadly, the chances of Marin getting a nerf at this point are slim to none. He’s been around doing what he’s doing and hasn’t even been hinted at for a nerf. They likely think 10 mana get a 6/6 and draw 3 cards that cost 0 is balanced. And it probably is for literally every class that takes 10 turns to get 10 mana. But when you’re druid and do druid things, that’s more like a turn 6/7 thing.

If they want to nerf it to be weak to aggro they need to make nest matron refresh 2 crystals, down from 4

If they want to nerf the later game, they need to make Dorian the first minion drawn each turn, or doomkins to 8, or Eonar refreshing only 5 crystals instead of all… There’s a lot of options there.

Overall, the dragon package probably just collapses with the aforementioned matron nerf as it won’t be strong enough to bridge from the early game to druid’s incredibly strong mid to late game cards. The cheap dragons are the core of literally every druid deck because of how stupidly strong a 0 Mana 3/4 taunt is that early in the game.

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Yeah, and I think the deck is super strong with a good pilot.

I’m currently 10-0 with it from d5-d2. It just feels way to good.

I don’t know how any serious person looks at this deck and goes “it’s almost balanced”. It’s so incredibly strong. How it got just a slap on the wrist is beyond comprehensible to me.

Not sure that’s very bad luck. I’d call it very good luck to have a perfect curve with it; I keep seeing that deck either not drawing that many dragons or not drawing any AOE; it often needs both to survive (and if it gets neither …good luck).

If you delete the 0 mana draws, the card is doubtful to be ever played with a 7+3 mana cost. The “turn your hand to leggos” is a russian roulette at best and it often needs high skill in the rest of the cards of the game; the draw a card and duplicate it is pure randomness; the one that discovers legendaries is OK but I doubt it’s worth the 7+3 mana for most decks.

what ? druid wasnt the most played class before the patch

warrior was

so is impossible for it to be a "druidstone " meta for 3 weeks

That depended in your rank. The higher you got, the more druids you faced and the less warriors.

At the top it was almost all druid.

Is marin really a problem? I don’t see it all that often, myself.

In druid yes. They ramp and play it on turn 5. It’s total bull sh!t when they wondrous wand into a zero cost Reno, unkilliax, sleep under the stars, yogg, or Tsunami. And yes, they do run tsunami now, and yes the tsunami change WAS a buff. Turns out four pseudo-charge water elementals for zero mana is actually OP. Never woulda guessed would ya. And all this by your turn 6.


Yeah the tsunami change was enough to boost my big spell mage into 50% wr