Salvage the Bunker - 3 mana spell
Summon 2 2/2 marines with taunt. Your next Starship launch costs (2) less.
Ultra-Capacitor - 2 mana minion
1/1 Mech
Starship Piece - Battlecry: Gain +1/+1 for each other minion you control. Triggers again on starship launch.
Hellion/Hellbat - 4 mana minion
4/4 Mech
Your minions have +1 Attack. This transforms into Hellbat if you have launched a Starship this game - Hellbat gives your minions +2 Attack and Rush instead. (constant aura)
Hellbat seems fun! They all seem pretty cool and fun. It was Kris O Five who debuted these cards.
Yeah my first thought too was that they may fit in flood pala. Maybe time to replace those Muster of Battle cards that I found them sus lately because of their cost. But I’m unsure because it might make it slow.
On extra card at least can go like Pozzik always being replaceable or Leeroy too but the deck is generally currently very optimized but at the same time the winrate is left behind unless you play it perfectly.
Perhaps just replace those ~4 cards with ~4 of those is the only thing that can be done for that archetype.
Strange… I could swear they will give 1 more mana cost reducer for Librams too… but seems like no support for Librams. Maybe at the rotation they will add the old ones into the core… because they are still too slow in my opinion (standard).
I don’t see libram in need to be faster since it doesn’t deserve to be faster: it’s a combo mid range deck that turns anything cheap in ~6 turns anyway.
Where it’s weak (when it is weak) is that the end-game effects it has are lackluster compared to other combo decks e.g. just a bunch of shielded rushes.
Libram of Divinity is the reason probably because it can enable some semi-OTK things with Leeroy and Lynessa so it needs to stay in check.
Maybe try to play that Lynessa + Leeroy libram deck, because it’s probably underrated.
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i dont think they need to the buff to the weapon made it faster they dont need more
To me Starship Pally looks like a riff on starship DH. They get both rush and a mini bloodlust via starship. Whereas starship DH usually go with pirates and crewmates which tend to be stronger offensively, pallies seem to be more defensive with taunts and better rushing (the whole board can rush, including subsequent minions you put down, as long as hellbat is alive)
The mini bloodlust is probably better too as it doesn’t require your ship to attack. Sure the DH one can in theory go beyond +2, but games probably don’t need that to end. And if two hellbats died it’s instant +4 attack to your board when you launch
And raynor’s hero power basically gives you constant board pressure and mini bloodlust
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Just FYI Hellbat is not a Starship Piece it’s just a mech minion.
Ultra Capacitor definitely fits in any flood paladin even without starship synergy. The three mana spell is definitely decent. Hellbat is certainly ok but I think overall Zilliax is just better.
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A variation of airraid, a slightly worse frostwolf warlord, and a mech raid leader
I guess there may be a fun holy spell/mech deck somewhere lurking inside but these seem really lackluster and lacking imagination.
They also seem downright awful compared to the protoss stuff.
Yeah, I’m seeing a Flood Paladin possibilities here for sure. That’s probably how the Paladin starship is meant to be played tbh.
After rotation it will need support when Instrument Tech is gone… (unless they put it into the core set) thats for sure… however the new mini set will mess up everything anyway… so it seems Librams will be forgotten like Earthern (slow and no defense) and not to mention SunScreens + Shanty (they made board based cards when nothing was usable which is board based, bad design). None of these were competitive enough to use, really sad… Ppl. are complaining about Handbuff and nothing else is usable enough… except maybe OTK because of the stupid Oracle… which is driving all the OTK decks now. Oh well… we will see I guess…
Yes, I tried to build such deck too but still think it is too slow and don’t have enough amount of resources to generate minions. There are just way too many board clears in the game and discovery to be competitive. I checked back at my Libram deck from old meta and it was working much more better at that time. It had defense and the game had no unlimited resource generating. The current state of the game is horrible because of this as well. In the old days if you managed to block the enemie’s worst dirty trick then you won… TODAY you won’t because he can use it 3 more times! And thats where all the problems begin… too much resource generating, not to mention Armor, HP build…
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I was playing a Lynessa OTK (no much board) or a Lynessa semi-OTK deck (more board), and people started using Dirty Rats on me after a point just killing the deck.
The class might work better as one-dimensional board-based now (Handbuff or aggro or something else almost-one-dimensional).
To be honest I’m a bit bored of the class. I might start playing warlock or something after rotation.
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Hellion looks great, I love the art… but why would I use it when I have Crusader Aura? Maybe combining them is a good idea, if have enough space in the deck for both.