2nd ranked loss today due to "Unable to reconnect"

I do not know how can i advance on ladder if i keep losing to this bug!

stop downloading stuff while you play HS you should know by now your internet connection cant do both!

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Stop assuming things! How do you know if i am downloading or if my internet is bad? You could know it is not because i wrote everything in some of the previous bug reports and to support team. Multiple times i have provided them with all info they wanted!

because i know this isnt a bug is your internet connection

whenever we the game had DDos attack or a bug causing disconnects like it happened a while ago everytime someone played zephyr we had many players making threads about it

and you keep saying you got a bug without detailing exaclty how it happened

you know nobody will be able to reproduce it
because it doesnt exist !

I explained to support team and some posts. It happens a lot so i can not explain it every time. How do you explain post where QA is saying what can you do when this bug happens if there is no bug? And you c an not know you can only assume, and wrongly!

we had combinations of cards causing disconnects like it happened when we had zephyr and sphere of sapience were run on the same deck or when playing priest galakrond

some devices right now seem to be crashing when jerry rig split cards
but there is nothing on a single post you made to even try to reproduce a disconect bug
thats why i think it doesnt exist because if it did you wouldve told us how it happened to you so people can try to reproduce it

It is random freeze, it happens on server or what ever, devs should know more. I am just telling you what is happening. And i can eliminate everything that you asume. Like, i tried closing everything else, uninstalling deck tracker, running in some mode… all that support team suggested.

Can you take a look at these threads?