29.4.1 Patch Notes

Patch 29.4.1 is a server-side patch rolling out now with the following updates and bug fixes.

Battlegrounds Updates

Hero Update

  • Jandice Barov will not be offered in games with Naga or Elementals.

Armor Updates

The following Heroes now have more Armor:

  • Scabbs Cutterbutter now has 13 Armor.

  • Teron Gorefiend now has 14 Armor at higher ratings, still has 10 Armor at lower ratings.

  • Tickatus now has 16 Armor.

  • Maiev Shadowsong now has 16 Armor at higher ratings, still has 18 Armor at lower ratings.

  • Captain Hooktusk now has 16 Armor at higher ratings, still has 15 Armor at lower ratings.

  • Bru’kan now has 17 Armor.

  • Guff Runetotem, Lich Baz’hial, and Mr. Bigglesworth now have 18 Armor.

  • Fungalmancer Flurgl now has 18 Armor at higher ratings, still has 15 Armor at lower ratings.

  • Edwin VanCleef and Tess Greymane now have 19 Armor.

  • Sindragosa and Sneed now have 20 Armor.

  • Ragnaros the Firelord now has 20 Armor at higher ratings, still has 13 Armor at lower ratings.

The following Heroes now have less Armor:

  • Cookie the Cook and Snake Eyes now have 5 Armor.

  • Forest Warden Omu now has 6 Armor.

  • Galewing now has 7 Armor.

  • Infinite Toki now has 9 Armor.

  • Ambassador Faelin and Heistbaron Togwaggle now have 10 Armor.

  • Millificent Manastorm now has 10 Armor at higher ratings, still has 5 Armor at lower ratings.

Armor Updates (Duos)

The following Heroes now have more Armor:

  • Scabbs Cutterbutter now has 10 Armor.

  • Teron Gorefiend now has 11 Armor.

  • Captain Hooktusk now has 12 Armor.

  • Tickatus now has 13 Armor.

  • Bru’kan now has 14 Armor.

  • Lich Baz’hial now has 15 Armor.

  • Ragnaros the Firelord now has 17 Armor.

The following Heroes now have less Armor:

  • Cookie the Cook now has 3 Armor.

  • Infinite Toki now has 6 Armor.

  • Ambassador Faelin now has 7 Armor.

  • Heistbaron Togwaggle now has 10 Armor.

Bug Fixes and Game Improvements

  • [General] Fixed a bug that was causing issues accessing the Collection from the play screen, swapping between formats, swapping between modes, and other similar performance and interface issues.

  • [General] Fixed a bug where a small percentage of players were having issues with Daily Quest rollovers and updates.

  • [Hearthstone] The Replicator-inator will no longer summon a copy of a Magnetic minion that is being Magnetized.

  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where The Replicator-inator didn’t work properly with cards that changed a minion’s Attack as it was played (for instance, The Crystal Cove). Those effects will now apply and then The Replicator-inator will check if it should copy the minion.

  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Sock Puppet Slitherspear didn’t gain attack from player weapons.

  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Gigantic Toysnatching Geist could Discover Toysnatching Geist.

  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where drawing Headless Horseman’s Head doubled the amount of Health gained from The Primus’s Runes of Blood Ability.

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where minions buffed by Nalaa the Redeemer didn’t receive health buffs from Slitherspear, Lord of Gains.

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Winged Chimera lost its effect when tripled with Elemental of Surprise.


Why no jandice with elementals or nagas?

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how about you stop limiting heros for using certain tribes with their hero power. you did this before with jandice and brann when pogo was in the game. you did it with voljin before with naga.

so what if they can use the ability to improve their minions. that is part of the game.

until you fix quils and murlocs and remove their either thousands of stats or their poison, stop nerfing other tribes just trying to stay relevant


Jandice was huge with Shellemental, you could send your giant minions to the shop, use the spellcraft on it, and then take them back, among other shenanigans

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because of the tav 5 elem/naga that moves stats from shop to a random minion on board. people would just use the hero power to put their largest minion in the shop and the spell for the t5 minion would put the stats back on a minion, rinse and repeat.

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I see, disappointed i missed out on that, seems fun af.

I mean why even bother with this i have literally seen quils in the thousands and not just like 1k or 2k but i have seen their health get upwards of 5k and that wasnt even them being done i just left before it could get any higher. And honestly it wouldnt even be hard to fix make the new 6 drop only be ether every other end of turn or make it so it only happens at the start of the turn so you miss the first turn you get him and he cant combo with enchater.

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Also yeah, literally 0 changes to quillboar? wtf


Can we get some actual balance changes? Its been WEEKS.

Are we really going to sit with balance like this for another month?

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What about iPad bug where battlegrounds rating is still showing as zero?

Elementals kinda make sense as the tavern stat battlecries were worth spamming. But you right, Curators whole gimmick is supposed to be he works with anyone and yet I swear he’s banned from at least 3 tribes this is getting outta hand!
As for why Jandice specifically… Honestly I think Jandice and Madame Goya were the only reason people complained about Orc-hestras or the Menari Messenger, in no other picture does anyone run into them enough logically outside of them, rather than make obscure minions even more obscure for these heroes they just decide to cut out the middle man and make the heroes themselves more obscure.

Imagine banning Jandis when it’s the only hero that can potentially play elementals.

Epic braindead move from blizzard as usual.

Then, where are nerfs to pigs? Every clown rushes 6 tawern in order to find all pigs to instawin the game. Very funny gaiming blizztard.


Tirisfal jaina has the same voicelines of Kul Tiran jaina

Tempest jaina has the same voicelines of Archamage jaina

Bonemantle valeera has the same voicelines of Gladiator valeera

Slayer Valeera has the same voicelines of Brawler valeera

Avatar anduin has the same voicelines of Prophecy anduin

Absolution anduin has the same voiclines of Sl7 anduin

Eternal party medivh have the old medivh voice actor in some emotes and he DOESN’t fit at all

when are you gonna fix 1000 wins and taver regular new skins ?

Little bit off topic here but why half my games I roll 20 times before a single tier 5 appears in my shop? Every other game I insta lose because shop is garbage. Shouldn’t it be that if I’m at tier 5 I should see tier 5s in the shop and have to waste my entire turn looking for a single tier 5?

I keep reading these patch notes waiting for an actual nerf to unending value cards like Deepminer Brann not the OMG it costs one more mana. Still broken asf. They just have to wait one more turn to get to broken asf status. Also, still puzzled why they took away feasible counters to highlander decks. That definitely needs to be changed back. There shouldn’t be things out there that last forever/can’t be countered/can’t be interacted with. So somebody plays Brann and I’m supposed to smash my head into the keyboard for the rest of the game? GG

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Will you ever fix the bug with Wickerclaw and Sing Along Buddy?

Oops, forgot to pin this. Sorry folks.

Hey @GnomeSayin not sure how to report a bug but there seems to be one on both Android and iOS but not desktop where we cannot open the friends list and chat on mobile without the game freezing and having to close it. No chat is possible on mobile currently for me and a few friends.

You’d just make a post in the bug report forums, but thanks, we’ve got this on our radar.