29.2 Patch Notes

reducing effect was not going to nerf agroo dh alot. if goes first aggro dh is able to play shopper at turn 4 for 3 mana if you nerf the effect it will be turn 4 for 4 mana.

So it will only punish player who goes second and use coin.

Durability at the other hand delays draw one turn without changing weapon effect plus the damage it will deal also player still will be able to use it at turn 3. it will not harm the tempo variation or other possible variations a lot only the aggro.

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settles what ? we were told whizbang woudl be changed before that twist season started and changed back the first patch after it ended :confused:

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Have you read the linked topic carefully? I think it does answer that quite clearly.

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You donā€™t need to nerf it a lot. With weapon of 4 mana cost or weapon that is 3-3 you are going to find shopper earlier than the weapon pulls it.
I can bet a 100 this patch is going to gut aggro DH. Because I literally canā€™t see what are you going to play for 3 mana in aggro dh. There are literally no playable options.

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It doesnā€™t weaken the deck enough. All it does is possibly delay the same exact move by a single turn

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" New Cosmetic Type: Diamond Hero Skins" The idea seems very good, but only if you will offer these for 1000+ wins like other golden skins per classā€¦ I have more than 7000 Paladin wins and since golden core legendary set (5000 wins) didnā€™t get anything for wins.


Thank you for making the special event only related to the track you play! Kudos for keeping Battlegrounds out of my Hearthstone!!

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Really? That one mana nerf completely destroys DH? It was at 60% win rate in D4-1 across multiple builds. Thatā€™s extremely high. Even if this nerf knocks it down 5% (which would be huge) itā€™d still be at 55% which is very, very strong.

While I absolutely agree with the notion that nerfs as a ā€œfanserviceā€ to the whiners is a terrible approach, I think in this case, the extremely high win rate of the deck warrants it.

Itā€™s an easy nerf, just to get it reined in a little. Letā€™s see how the meta adjusts after tomorrow and over the next two weeks. Other decks will absolutely be elevated. And when that happens, they can introduce a more comprehensive collection of adjustments. I expect some of those adjustments to include Zarimi Priest and Aggro Hunter which sport win rates up in the high 50s, along with Warrior and WheelLock which are in the mid-high 50s. We probably need more data to see where Shaman sits, but thatā€™s one to keep an eye on as well.

My point isā€¦ relaxxxxx. More adjustments are coming. See what shakes out over the next two weeks. I just hope that the adjustments are based primarily on actual documented win rate data, not if a deck makes people feel bad.

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15 wins for the weekly quest??? Really blizzard? I have a family, a life. 5 wins sometimes is already a challange. I canā€™t play for hours every week. This is stupid. And thank you for changing the quests during the weekā€¦ I can already forget it this week.


Where are you seeing that? My Weekly still says 5 wins.

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Just replying to let the Devs know that literally nobody likes the tripling of weekly quests. Its just alienating those who donā€™t have time.


The quest change is absurd and completely out of bounds. Especially after people have bought a rewards track with an expectation of how progression would go AND burying the change under ā€œMiscā€ at the bottom of the patch notes. This should have been significantly highlightedā€¦but they knew this would be an issue so they tried to hide it.

If this doesnā€™t revert, I am seriously done. Whoever is making these decisions for the HS team has shown they really do not care about players, especially casual. Iā€™d hoped with MS coming in there would be changes for the better but I guess not.

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And there it is. Yesterday, I was 4/5 on the Win 5 Ranked Matches weekly quest. Now Iā€™m 4/15. Shame on you Blizzard. You TRIPLE the win requirements and increase the reward by 20%. You seriously think thatā€™s equitable?!? IT IS OUTRAGEOUS!!!

Also THIS!! How cowardly to hide this in a vague notes at the tail end of last section of a huge Patch Notes post.

I propose we all flood the CS Center with Tickets expressing our outrage in a communal act of Civil Disobedience.

Did you remember to change Akazazarakā€™s achievement that needs him to trigger Ice Block and win?

  • [Progression] Some Daily and Weekly Quests have been adjusted to be harder to complete but will grant more XP.

Has anyone seen a changed Daily Quest yet?

No one?
