29.2 Known Issues

Theres a bug with spirit of the badlands where sometimes when you play a card, your hand glitches out. It is very common, if you try playing with spirit you’ll see it very often.

When using spirit of the badlands the mirage card causes the game to freeze up. It makes it very difficult to select any cards from hand. It also plays cards not selected. It also creates 2 mirages when a mirage minion is played. Please help make this card playable again. This is new since the update.

I literally use this card all the time in my favorite deck. It’s not just sometimes but all the time. You get one play then it glitches because it makes a second mirage card that isn’t supposed to be there

there is a bug with spirit of the badlands where things below are mashed
together making it impossible to play a card

Just played a game with whizbang deck shuffle in 5 duels treasures. Had 3 cards left in deck when I lost and never drew a treasure… Think somebody got a little overly ambitious when they removed duels

I play on an ipad, latest firmware. My rating in solo BG has been 0 since the new season has started after playing 5 or so games with multiple 1st and 2nd place finishes.

Paladin mirage from spirit of the badlands is bugged. Hard to describe but it’s unplayable on mobile. Once you play a mirage minion it makes some cards in hand impossible to drag. It is the same bug on desktop but the precision of the mouse can still find the drag points, but it becomes impossible with a finger.

Hi Blizzard. Does the Mac restriction on making Shop or Arena purchases have anything to do with Apple offering refunds on Hearthstone in-game purchases?

I just want to know if this is a quick coding fix, or if it’s a longstanding policy-driven decision that is going to impact playability. I play on my Apple device, and I don’t really intend to move to my PC. Of course, being unable to purchase new packs or Arena tickets is really going to put a damper on my ability to play your game.

Should I expect a fix in the next few weeks, or is this going to be a long stay in Blizzard legal purgatory?

To be clear, I am not the author of that post, and I have not requested any refunds with any party at all.

Hi! On Galaxy Tablet (S9 Ultra) on android: Playing duos and the Felbat is somehow bugged.

Example 1: Using the spell «Set a minions stats to 20/20» on a Felbat in the Tavern, made the Felbat vanish completely from the Tavern. It also made the Felbat I had on my hand and on my board vanish.

Example 2: Using the spell «Make a random minion in the Tavern golden» on the Felbat (only minion in the Tavern at the time), made it vanish.

How am i going to buy an arena ticket ??? not with money but with in-game gold.
And why is this happening to some ips ?

I don’t think so because the message was days before people asked for refunds.

Here is a RidiculousHat reply that say soon

Marine Matriarch is bugged in battlegrounds when combining into a triple using Elemental of Surprise, spell count per combat sets to 0 and no spell will ever be received if the matriarch takes any sort of damage.

i experienced a bug with the death king power “reborb” in duo battleground where ur hero power dissapeared and u use it right on the last seccond of ur end turn. the graphic changed to the battle and u cannot use the hero power anymore for the rest of the game.

There is common bug where purchased battlegrounds boards are not able to be used due to the toggle favorite button not appearing for boards.

Playing against Diamond Shaman portrait, the Confirm button on mulligan still is not working

So I just saw Zilliax Bonding Module in a Duos game. Looks like it was restored.

Ner’zhul’s portrait is too big in many menus.

Thank you for putting out that hotfix last night. Alot of the issues which appeared this week are fixed.

However the old ones still remain and still need to be fixed.

Please address this in the next client patch.

Death Knight
  • The Headless Horseman/Der kopflose Reiter

Issue: The card text is technically correct but does not rhyme at all in the german version which makes the emphasizing of the last word even weirder.

Legendär · Held · Wurbelfitz

Demon Hunter
  • Felerin, the Forgotten/Felerin der Vergessene

Issue: The card description only mentions outcast minions but not outcast cards.

Legendär · Diener · Marsch des Lichkönigs · Kampfschrei: Erhaltet je einen zufälligen Außenseiter-Diener ganz links und rechts auf die Hand. Sie kosten (2) weniger.

English version: Battlecry: Add a random Outcast card to the left and right sides of your hand. They cost (2) less.

Fixed version: Kampfschrei: Erhaltet je eine zufällige Außenseiter-Karte ganz links und rechts auf die Hand. Sie kosten (2) weniger.

  • King Plush/Plüschkönig

Issue: Inconsistent card name.

Legendär · Diener · Wurbelfitz

English version: King Plush

Fixed version: König Plüsch

  • Spot the Difference/ Findet den Fehler

Issue: The german version is missing the “to summon” part.

Gewöhnlich · Zauber · Wurbelfitz

English version: Discover a 3-Cost minion to summon. If your deck has no minions, repeat this.

Fixed version: Entdeckt einen zufälligen Diener, der 3 kostet und ruft ihn herbei. Wird wiederholt, wenn Euer Deck keine Diener enthält.

  • The Galactic Projection Orb/Die galaktische Projektionskugel

Issue: Missing blank space before “(targets enemies if possible)”.

Legendär · Zauber · Wurbelfitz

  • Purifying Power/Reinigende Macht

Issue: Sentence structure.

Gewöhnlich · Zauber · Wurbelfitz

English version: Silence all friendly minions, then give them +1/+2.

Fixed version: Bringt alle befreundeten Diener zum Schweigen, verleiht ihnen dann +1/+2.

  • The Crystal Cove/Die Kristallbucht

Issue: The german card text is missing “this turn” in the card description.

Selten · Schauplatz · Wurbelfitz

English version: The next minion you summon this turn has its stats set to 4/4.

Fixed version: Die Werte des nächsten Dieners, den ihr in diesem Zug herbeiruft, werden auf 4/4 gesetzt.

  • Tempest Hammer/Strumhammer

Issue: Wrong card name.

Selten · Waffe · TITANEN · Fügt dem Feind mit dem niedrigsten Leben 3 Schaden zu, nachdem Euer Held angegriffen hat.

Fixed version: Sturmhammer

  • Shudderblock/Schauderblock

Issue: Inconsistent card name.

Legendär · Diener · Wurbelfitz

Fixed version: Grauselblock

Legendär · Diener · Der Hexenwald · Kampfschrei: Wiederholt alle anderen Kampfschreie von Karten, die Ihr in diesem Spiel ausgespielt habt. (Zufällige Zielauswahl)

  • Incredible Value/Sonderangebot

Issue: The german card name misses the reference of the english card.

Gewöhnlich · Zauber · Wurbelfitz

English version: Incredible Value

Fixed version: Enormer Wert

Issue: Also there is an grammar error.

Fixed version: Entdeckt einen Diener, der 4 kostet. Setzt seinen Angriff und Leben auf 7.

  • Wish Upon a Star/Dein Wunsch sei mir Befehl

Issue: The translation of the card name is a bit weird.

Selten · Zauber · Wurbelfitz

English version: Wish Upon a Star

Fixed version: for example: Wunsch an einen Stern

  • Table Flip/Frustiver Schachzug

Issue: Grammar mistake in the card name.

Gewöhnlich · Zauber · Wurbelfitz

Fixed version: Frustrierter Schachzug

  • Game Master Nemsy/Großmeisterin Nemsy

Issue: Wrong and inconsistent translation of the card name.

Legendär · Diener · Wurbelfitz

English version: Game Master Nemsy

Fixed version: Spielleiterin Nemsy

  • Endgame/Endspiel

Issue: The translation of the card is technically correct but does not quite fit.

Selten · Zauber · Wurbelfitz

English version: Endgame

Fixed version: Endphase

  • Workshop Janitor/Putzkraft der Werkstatt

Issue: Inconsistent keyword.

Gewöhnlich · Diener · Wurbelfitz

English version: Battlecry: If you control a location, draw 2 cards.

Fixed version: Kampfschrei: Zieht 2 Karten, wenn Ihr einen Schauplatz kontrolliert.

  • Nostalgic Gnome/Nostalgisches Gnomweibchen

Issue: Weird translation of the card name.

Selten · Diener · Wurbelfitz

Fixed version: Nostalgische Gnomin

Found 2 bugs one cause of the new patch and one that’s been on the pile for a minute apparently.
Rafaam hero skin has a voiceline for playing Supreme Archaeology that won’t trigger.
In battlegrounds if Sir Finley conceeds on hero select screen before he gets to choose his hero power it softlocks all opponents that fight him, it just shows the opponent trying to discover his hero power but the client never choosing.

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Every battlegrounds game (solo or duo) huge white-blue ring appears and blocks most of the screen. You can only see the center circle. Apparently it’s a bug of the blue well effect when you looking at your teammate’s board in duo.
Duo mode can be switched using the portal, and main screen is normal, the second screen looks like a circle too.
Playing solo mode so is almost impossible