27.4 Patch Notes

Can’t be. The pinned patch notes at the top of the forums says we are still in


Oh wait. I forgot we’re talking about the same company that can’t be bothered to type out the entire patch notes. Does the guy or gal you hire charge by the word/character? Even if he or she did…I think with the billions you rake in each year, you could afford to pay it.

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My mobile have max android 8. With new patch can’t download anymore?

Dunno about Asia, but the rest are still in 27.2.2. Patch 27.4 launches on Tuesday, September 19th, probably 19:00 CEST on Europe and so on.

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WTF is this C’thun skin.

Is this a joke, is anyone buying that s#it. Oh my god this company is hilarious. If people are buying that, then it doesn’t surprise me when they release Diamond bundles that cost 50$.

What a joke. ‘Legendary skin’ … sure.


Their dreaming ends…our nightmare begins.


Still waiting for Elise* available for gold, though… ‘Now Blizz has killed the dream I dreamed’?

*And/or other portraits, of course — pick your favourite ones.


Ridiculous I say. Ridiculous — that’s the appropriate word on these forums. :rofl:

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Why is C’Thun a Druid? Most other classes would have made more sense.

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Because doing a cool cenarius required too much effort.


For those trying to play C’Thun Druid in Twist?

Otherwise, makes no sense indeed.

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Hey matt…
I’m @-ing you.

Seriously, cthun druid…what’s next, a dk priest?

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Grown man typing ‘Don’t @ me. Xoxo’.

These people are such a joke.

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Well, the Aviana version of it is literally what I’d play and want to play in Twist. Of course, it’s not the strongest out there, but what of it… At least something fun to remember from that era.

Yet another character that would make infinitely more sense than an old god…who literally corrupts and destroys nature.

Also, clearly talking about the portrait; you really need to read the posts you’re responding to.

“Other bug fixes and game improvements” includes changing the Play 10 Titans weekly quest to Play 4 Titans, or is that listed somewhere else?

Fantastic change. 10 was a B.

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Ever seen the WotOG expansion and what it is about?

‘The land serves me!’


The rationale for which I even managed to guess, it turns out (I don’t read Twitter, but OG did that for me :grinning: , see also the post above).

Emphasis added.

If you actually read the posts before responding, you wouldn’t have to.

There seems to be a bug on mobile where you can’t “hover” over the ananoly to see what it is during hero selection for battlegrounds.

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No more Android 8?!
Thanks Blizzard! And good bye!


I wish this was around longer due to not seeing all of the anomalies, I keep seeing the same 3 or 4 over and over again. :frowning: