27.4 Known Issues

When running a deck with Cho’gall in it, Anomalies never trigger in Solo Adventures besides Practice Mode, despite numerous different games of different adventures. The start-of-game effect doesn’t trigger.

Concert promo drake did not trigger its finale effect, causing me a game in arena. I drew the plague that makes the first card you play cost 1 more. I used my hero power (demon hunter) to get to 9 mana (new drake cost) and played the drake but nothing happened, despite correctly spending all my remaining mana.
I don’t understand what happened, but if it’s a bug caused by the new anomalies, I expect an answer.

Is there a way to update my device to andriod. 9 !?!? Please help

Hi there, two bugs are currently plaquing my games, one literally. One Bug I noticed is when the anomaly that copies each card you play into your deck appears, these copies seem to be counted as neutral cards which breaks some paladin decks since they require you to have “no neutral cards in your deck”, I would appreciate if that issue could be addressed.

Also perhaps as a sidenote, the death Knight card “sink the ship” still doesn’t do what it says in its own description. I am unsure if this is due to a translation error but in the German version it says that the card deal 3 damage to a minion and only if said minion dies 3 plaques are shuffled into your enemies deck. But currently you can also just target the enemy hero and even if no minion dies the three plaques are shuffled into your enemies deck. Found that quite frustrating.

Rafaam legendary skin is broken. Rafaam portait is empty.

iPhone 14, iOS 16.6.1 - also cannot see the anomaly at hero select in battlegrounds. I find this to be a big problem, not just an inconvenience. Certain hero powers synergies with the anomalies and I can’t see what game I’m playing until after it starts.

I just had a game on desktop where Rowdy Fan buffed 2 mana Astalor by 6 attack instead of 3, on turn 3.

The active anomoly was the one that shuffles cards back into your deck.

It depends on the device but you can probably find an internet guide for your phone to add Android 9 if it is possible/ check for device updates to see if it’s fully updated. Your device might not be able to handle Android 9 if the specs are too low. Research if your phone model has Android 9 capabilities by looking up the model. I don’t know a lot about phones, but others on the internet can probably explain it better.

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Anomalies trigger before other start of game effects (you can see them when you mulligan), so it upgraded your basic hero power to heal 4, then you replaced it with Shadowform hero power from Darkbishops start of game effect. This is not a bug, but the order in which the start of game effect triggers.

What has happened to shaman questline? Previously you could double cast spells that were cast by a battlecry. No longer the case. And i was hoping for some fun with the new chaos tentacles

Sink the Ship has a translation error in German. It was buffed in patch 27.2 to be

  • Old: Deal 3 damage to a minion. If it dies, shuffle two random Plagues into your opponent’s deck.
  • New: Deal 3 damage. Shuffle two random Plagues into your opponent’s deck.
    The Paladin Shuffle one appears to be a bug (assuming you didn’t generate and play a non-paladin card)

Yeah, i ran two times into that issue not knowing about that change. The interactivity on that one is a bit odd. If you play fast you will already have clicked and ended turn. Thinking that it was an ability that was available. What’s the reasoing behind this change? I understand that using the copys ability to summon 6/6 wil lspawn them on the other side. As the nether itself IS on the other side of the board. But if you are a copy then sending to the nether should still work because a nether exists if you refer to it for the 6/6 why not sending the minions there aswell? Sargeras is huge power push for warlock with future minions on board and many times the location up giving them a 6/12. Most of the time they dont even care to send your minions to the nether because of the future taunts. so it is an uphill battle after that fighting the future taunts and the existing board with possible 2 6/12 and at the end of the turn 2 taunts. board clear needed ANd preapring to deal dmg or clear again…reverberations was the only feasable play most of the time (as mage)…

Hearthstone consistently crashes immediately after loading into the main menu on macOS

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The game is crashing for me on pc after the patch updated.

Also there seems to be abit of lag in the game sometimes and there is a definate lag or delay in the speed at which message are sent to friends in the past it used to be instantaneous.

This is happening every game. I am unable to preview which anomaly is in effect and the initial description is missing.

Thanks a lot for the reply ! I will give it a try but i doubt that i can update to android 9 my device is from 2018 …time to get a new one then lol…damn this game gives me a hearthage…

Also when i click on the hearthstone name in the menu it also crashes and i have to restart the game also sending messages there is a big delay i think overall i think idk why the game feels alot more laggy then usual.

Barista Lynchen battlecry is not working

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either way, something they should look into to fix, or it completely kills an entire archetype.

Playing Void Scripture and choosing Power of Creation results in an invisible 6-drop being added to your hand and leaving an unselectable blank spot.