27.0 Known Issues

Patch 27.0 is now live, and TITANS is launching on August 1! The following are some of the issues we’re tracking this patch:

  • [Resolved 7/28] [Hearthstone] Always a Bigger Jormungar is not working correctly with cleave effects like Hollow Hound’s. It is expected to be updated in a patch prior to the launch of TITANS.
  • [Resolved 7/28] [Hearthstone] Imprisoned Horror’s cost is being reduced by Blood Treant. Due to a recent rules change, paying Health is not intended to count as “damage.” This interaction is expected to be updated in a patch prior to the launch of TITANS.
  • [Resolved 7/28] [Hearthstone] Forest Seedlings and Frost Lotus Seedling will decrease their cost on turn 1 if kept in the mulligan. This is unintended and is expected to be updated in a patch prior to the launch of TITANS.
  • [Resolved 7/28] [Hearthstone] The team is investigating reports that cards that go into the secret zone (Secrets, Auras, Love Everlasting, etc.) cast by School Teacher’s Nagalings don’t work. This is expected to be fixed in an upcoming hotfix.
  • [Battlegrounds] The team is investigating reports that queueing for a private Battlegrounds lobby with fewer than 8 players will result in players being automatically added to the lobby. This is expected to be fixed in an upcoming hotfix.
  • [Cosmetics] The flavor text on the Sargeras cardback has been sent to the Twisting Nether. It is expected to be re-formed and summoned from the Twisting Nether in a future patch.
  • [Added 7/31] [Cosmetics] Sargeras is causing more trouble: the team is aware that the Sargeras Hero Portrait is missing its Hero Tray. It is planned to be added in a future patch.
  • [Resolved 7/26] [Shop] The team is investigating issues with “Sarge’s Deal” on EU accounts.
  • [Resolved 8/4] [Hearthstone] Opponents are not supposed to see what Algalon, the Observer observes. The team is investigating the issue.
  • [Added 7/26] [Battlegrounds] Lord Barov is still causing problems and has been re-removed from the Hero Pool.
  • [Resolved 7/28] [Hearthstone] Fireside Gatherings weren’t allowing players to open their pre-purchase packs early like intended. This issue has now been resolved. If your Fireside Gathering period is still live, you should be able to just restart your client and jump right in. If not, you can make a new Fireside Gathering to open your pre-purchase packs.
  • [Resolved 8/1] [Arena] The team is aware that some cards from TITANS are not currently in the Arena pool. This issue is expected to be resolved when the expansion unlocks on August 1.
  • [Added 7/29] [Hearthstone] The team is aware that Fireside Brawls are not functioning at Pre-Release Weekend Fireside Gatherings. The team is also aware that players who enter a Fireside Gathering are then having issues joining games in any game mode until they restart their client.
  • [Resolved 8/4] [Hearthstone] The team is aware that Aman’Thul is currently able to summon Colossal minions. This is a violation of the rules of Order and something that will be resolved in an upcoming patch.
  • [Resolved 8/4] [Hearthstone] When you would overkill a hero with Always a Bigger Jormungar, it only deals the overkill damage, not the full damage. The team is investigating this issue to be resolved as soon as possible.
  • [Added 8/2] [Hearthstone] Razorscale is not properly stopping cards from reducing their own Costs below 2. This is scheduled to be corrected in an upcoming major patch.
  • [Resolved 8/4] [Hearthstone] The team is aware that Magatha has some weird interactions with Death Knight Plagues, and is looking into it.
  • [Resolved 8/4] [Progression] The “Express Order Argunite” Achievement is not tracking as intended. The team is investigating the issue.
  • [Added 8/2] [Collection] Sargeras’s machinations continue! The team is investigating reports that the Sargeras card back can’t be equipped once earned.
  • [Added 8/2] [Hearthstone] The team has received reports that various cards in different languages have localization issues. These reports have been passed on and various cards will be getting localization updates in an upcoming patch.
  • [Resolved 8/4] [Hearthstone] Mimiron’s Cloakfield has been malfunctioning when used on a minion that already has Stealth. It’s expected to get repaired in an upcoming hotfix.
  • [Added 8/3] [Hearthstone] The team is investigating reports that the Daily Event Quest requiring triggering Deathrattles only works for Deathrattle minions that you played, not ones that you summoned through other means.
  • [Resolved 8/9] [Hearthstone] The team is investigating reports that there were localization issues with the 27.0.3 Sparkbots update.
  • [Added 8/8] [Battlegrounds] Sneed has been temporarily removed from the hero pool and Piloted Whirl-O-Tron has been removed from E.T.C.'s hero power pool due to a bug causing crashes.

Related posts:
27.0.1 Patch Notes
27.0.2 Patch Notes
27.0.3 Patch Notes

We will update this post as we get more information.


I think I’ve found an issue with Moat Lurker.

6 mana 3/3: Battlecry: Destroy a minion. Deathrattle: Resummon it.

It used to resummon the destroyed minion to the same side as it was destroyed on, I.e. if it was the opponents minion, the copy would be resummoned on their side of the board. It now summons the copy on the same side of the board as the Moat Lurker.

This is used in one of the Boomsday Solo Adventure puzzles making that puzzle impossible to complete.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure if this is a new patch issue or has been around for a while.



Still no mention in the patch notes of fixing the following issues:

  1. Restless Reader achievement to read 40 lorebooks still unachievable for all 419 days since Book of Faelin was released
  2. Unable to craft golden Demon Hunter Initiate Set cards, getting a “collection error” (even with plenty enough dust)

I found another problem. Some of The new achievements in the gameplay section for TITANS are duplications. Please fix that so there are 3 unique quests to each of the 11 classes. I found another mistake. Inside the quest never gonna give you up, it says 730 minions from Sargeras’ portal to the Twisting Nether. Does it meant to say: send 30 minions from Sargeras’ portal to the twisting nether, or summon 30 minions from Sargeras’ portal out of the twisting nether?

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Tradeable cards crash the game. If you want to trade a card from the deck, the game crashes immediately. The problem is old for many players. Three months now and there is no solution to it.

  1. Restless Reader achievement
  2. Tradeable cards crash the game
  3. Invisible minions via Emergency Maneuvers secret and Recruits with Yrel Hero portrait

All have been asked to fix numerous times for months (RR’s been a bug for more than a year!), 1 and 2 have had no acknowledgement in past known issue threads.

Are these EVER going to be fixed? because it seems like they won’t be.


TRADEABLE BUG (game crashing)

did send a bug report end of may , still NO RESPONSE. STILL NO FIX.
horrible blizzard.

and its now clear to me, that nobody cares.
why? u have to put to much time to solve the bug for TO LESS players, having the bug.

no motivation anymore.

give it just 2 weeks from now. then i will go somethere else.

big thumb down


I had the same problem too. I can’t complete the puzzle cause of this problem

Game still crashes after trading any card on pc, this is happening for 4 patches now.

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Dalaran heist ai keep using spells to kill their own minions. almost every dungeon boss has done it this run.

Khadgar just used 4 bananas on my minion, while having available minions on his side

The Ai is broken again. It attacks only face unless I have taunt, it buffs my minions and it will basically play any card if it has enough mana regardless of the consequences


I found another bug involving Wretched Exile and Death Knight plagues. My opponent had a Wretched Exile on board, and whenever my plagues triggered, it generated an Outcast card for them. I don’t know if this is only the case with the plagues or with all cards that cast when drawn.

love everlasting from naga teacher don’t work its just disappeared after u use it

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Some things I noticed while watching theorycrafting streams which are much more visual bugs rather than game breaking, the Sargeras hero portrait lacks a proper tray, some animations (such as Astalor the Flamebringers battlecry) stops on each individual bolt, i’ve inconsistently experienced this one in games on my own as well so might be sorta fixed, dunno and (at least I hope this is something that hasn’t been added yet) tokens for new golden cards (from Titans) don’t have an animation at all just some sorta worbly effect on the edges, again very minor visual stuff but still worth noting none the less


is a good idea to be more specific
there is more than one tradeable card

i havent had any crashes so far so maybe a specific tradeable card or is the device?

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Flameshot Sylvanas skin is using Naga Sylvanas’ voicelines in the Polish version of the game.

The Festival of Legends achievements ‘Refreshing Vendor’ no longer progresses. I am stuck at 80/100 after trying with both Druid and Priest


Same here, since 26.1. They definitely won’t fix it. I hope the forge cards don’t results the same, but it’s true that Blizz don’t care about it