27.0 Known Issues


I’m sure you’ve seen, or maybe someone has already written about this

The material on mesh, for the Sylvanas icon is not displayed correctly, at least on iPhone 11
You can see it in the company of the Lich King during the prologue (where we unlock the Death Knight class)

I found another issues, the borders around Sylvanas, Ranger General and MC Blingtron are highlighted in Pink. Please restore those borders. But the good news is that diamond Magatha is working as normal again


Not sure if bug, but before the update, Spells cast by Yogg saron Hopes end, used to cast twice while Stormcaller Brukans battlecry was active. Now they dont.

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A few possible issues:

  • Frostflame Varden mage skin seems to be missing an Attack voice line.
  • Golganneth, the Thunderer seems to be missing an Attack voice line (has a couple of underlays, but no VO?)
  • V-07-TR-0N Prime is missing a third trigger voice line when using titan abilities.
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Bumping this!! This has happened like 4 times to me now, at first I thought I was imagining it. But it just happens to me again like 10 minutes ago

Omen’s (DH skin) golden hero power (for 500 wins) still isn’t animated.

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Halveria (DH skin) lacks her unique Hero Power animation that she had few patches ago and since release. But few patches ago it has been bugged and base DH Hero power animation plays.

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The deck recipe brawl within the fireside gathering is also not working.
It throws out an issue about the brawl not being active.

There is an grammatical error on the rogue card “Lab Constructor” in the german version.

The word for “Forge” is written as “Schmeiden” but the correct spelling is “Schmieden”. The letters “i” and “e” are in the wrong order.

Unsure if intentional or not but the card Necrotic Mortician doesn’t successfully trigger the Staking A Claim treasure in Duels although it discovers a card.

Hearthstone Battlegrounds on mobile (IOS) will not load in the first game when you open the app. After you choose your hero it says 7/8 locked in and it looks like its taking a while to load but will never load unless you close app and reopen.

Legendary minions from previous expansions cannot be found when using False Disciple in the arena.

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I am missing some packs from the voting event. Anyone has this similar issue? I created a support ticket but it feels pretty pointless with the way the responded.

Please make Kangor, Dancing King’s effect count as summoning the minion. It really seems like it should, and I crafted a whole otk deck centered around it.

Sargeras card back missing and not able to be favourited after earned on reward track.

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Strange issue found in the interaction between ‘Pelagos’ and ‘Always a bigger Jormungar’. Have generated ‘Pelagos’ from ‘Hidden Meaning’ in hunter, which I then buffed using ‘Always a bigger Jormungar’ the next turn - making its attack equal to 6 - and attacked with it. My opponent was a priest with 5 health remaining, but instead of dropping to -1 health, he only dropped to 4… This actually cost me the game. :confused:
Screenshots available to support the above.

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The Sargeras card back is greyed out in my collection.

It was displayed normally when I earned it but after a restart it is greyed out.

I would like to report two spelling errors in the German translation:

Card: Eisige Pfade
Description: Entdeckt einen Zauber aus Eure Deck. Friert (…)
Corrected: Entdeckt einen Zauber aus Eurem Deck. Friert (…)

Card: Erfinderaura
Description: Eure Mechs kosten(1) weniger. (…)
Corrected: Eure Mechs kosten (1) weniger. (…)

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Happened to me too and it’s disabled

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