26.6 Patch Notes

Probably my first post here, ever…
Could you please bring back Classic? I liked it and didn’t mind the longer queue times. Scrolling through the posts here - looks like there are some other people missing it, too.

I know it probably won’t happen, so farewell…
Warcraft III

An other thing that bugs me: Why couldn’t you announce it properly? I just booted the game and tried to find Classic. Now I won’t get my monthly card back. I have almost every single card back since release, what a bummer…


The article about Twist assures us, "June’s ranked rewards will be based on your highest ladder rank across Standard, Wild, Classic, or Twist. " So your rewards for June should be safe. If you were able to earn all the monthly cardbacks so far, even the ones where Classic format didn’t exist, you surely have enough of a Wild collection to win five games in there over the course of the month.

That said, I am also disappointed that Classic is gone. It was my favorite format and I put a lot of dust and gold into completing the Classic set because I thought those cards would be useful in Classic for the life of the game. I got my diamond Ragnaros and my Legend cardback out of it and got way closer to several 500 win portraits thanks to all the games I played, so I am happy about all that, but I sure would have liked to continue playing Classic.

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I have never touched classic. The cards used there were wild cards, right? I’m asking because I am seeing players upset about having crafted certain cards that are now useless to them. Just a little confused about that, but I totally get where you and others are coming from.

I think the issue is that a number of players dusted rotating wild sets, but the Classic set was around for many years before Core was introduced, so a lot of people had complete or nearly complete collections of Classic cards and played Classic mode when it was introduced even though they did not play wild.

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The cards were wild, yes, but once Classic format was added suddenly there was a good reason to start spending dust and gold on Classic packs and cards again, because in Classic format they were once again playable in their original forms rather than the nerfed versions available in Standard and Wild. We were spending resources to unlock the original versions of the cards which were then taken away without compensation.


:rofl: :+1:

Yeah, the forum army of white knights with their toxic ‘positivity’… See also this little discussion. :grinning:

Once again: is there anything new on these forums?

Good points, but once again, many of these and others below have been discussed here already…