26.4 Patch Notes

Hm. What part of “misread” is confusing you? I was excited, have been away, thought it said 30.

No wonder these forums are death. It’s people looking for petty opportunities to boost their egos. You read correctly, I didn’t, ergo you’re better than me, or something.

Legend says that when we die and go to the pearly gates, the angels count up the number of times we were technically correct on the internet. The people who were correct the most get to go to Super Heaven!

Correctness is next to righteousness, after all.


I don’t disagree with this line of thought at all. A lot of those cards won’t see play. I think playing some of the old adventures might be fun though.

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How long does it typically take for the patch to push to mobile?

That depends entirely on your equipment. I have apple updates same time as pc goes live. Other people seem to have problems, though.

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Check the app/play store too. Often the update is there but HS doesn’t tell ya!