25.4 Known Issues

9 cost mage card - Rune of the Archmage

Been playing a long time. All of a sudden this card and others like it (says casting spells AT ENEMIES) are firing shots at friendly minions. FIX THIS PLEASE

there are two Mercenaries achievement cannot be accomplished any more after this update, is this intended? the two achiements both requires specific treasure which are removed from the treasure pool after this update. I have verified this by playing hundreds of games and never seen these treasure. All the guidance videos online are from the old version.
Something Fun. Haha. Use Prideful Wish 10 Times.
Master Of Fate Use Come On Down! 10 times.

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Still doing this for that treasure as of 8-1-24. I have been trying to get them to address anything on X (Twittter) but Merc mode seems to be ignored on there as well. Sad.

I encountered a Bug that made it impossible to play bellowing flames after I forged it. It seemed like a visual glitch (i.e the forged animation looked like it got stuck halfway through)