25.0 Known Issues

Hi, not sure if this was in reply to my missing golden cards?

It’s unacceptable to remove players golden cards (including legendaries) they opened from packs right? because if the expansion they are from rotate into core set or whatever, golden cards are golden cards.

Am I the one not understanding this? please explain why my few golden legendary cards I have opened from Frozen Throne packs are now only normal?

Frozen Throne is completely gone in my Wild card expansion list after patch. And decks that holds the cards are broken. It should be between cobolds and ungoro but it’s just gone…??

Hey, I have bought the reward track with amazon coins. The money was gone immediately but I didn’t get the reward track. I Also got the e-mail for the confirmed purchase of Amazon. I am loosing the experience (10% and now 15%) and I am forced to do the daylies if I don’t want to loose even more.

Same here, also lost a lot of dust (around 17k). Wrote a new bug report (Mass disenchant still showing lesser dust value), opened a ticket. Let’s wait for an answer, I guess.

Scourge Rager when played from hand only triggers the Jungle Giants quest progress once. Should it not count twice? My understanding is summons happen before battlecries, for example if you play a Leeroy into your opponent having Knife Juggler, the Knife Juggler has a chance to hit Leeroy with the random damage

Is it intended that people getting signature Lor’themar Theron / Grand Magister Rommath in packs (when they’re literally the 1st and 2nd reward in the tavern pass) don’t get a reroll prompt and are just stucked with two copies (3 in the case of Lor’themar, since you’ll get a golden one from the pass)?

I know, since signature cards are non disenchantable you dont get the reroll prompt, but it just seems odd to me.

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The spell Twisted Tether (4 mana, Warlock) does not convey the characteristics of the destroyed creature when only one card of the minion remains in the hand. It’s ruined my arena run xD.

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Sorry, the problem is in the Russian translation (it gives stats to the minion, not just the undead in English translation).

Hi - not sure if this was mentioned, but I attempted to play a Souleater’s Scythe deck with Prince Renethal as one of the three minions; however, the Prince Renethal animation did not play and I was not granted the extra 10 health. Is that intended or a bug?

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I have same problem with you. I purchased Diamond Frostwhisper and get Frostmourne too.

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Let’s talk for example about Arfus , the card you find in packs is called
name Arfus
cardId ICC_854
dbfId 45366
cardSet Knights of the Frozen Throne

So is possible you can have opened a normal ICC_854 and a golden ICC_854 in the past

The card they give you for free is
name Arfus
cardId CORE_ICC_854
dbfId 95638
cardSet Unknown ( previously Core )

so since november 1 you gained a temporary golden CORE_ICC_854 and a temporary standard CORE_ICC_854

now they only removed CORE_ICC_854 so old cards ICC_854 are still there , if you are missing them it means you didn’t opened them before.

Hasn’t worked for me, though. The Standard pack I’ve had wouldn’t open, then the game hanged.

Addendum: after relaunching the game, it would appear that the pack has been opened in the end, with some achievement (Sunken City Warrior Collector, I believe) activating from it. What cards I got — no idea.

See also: Reroll Legendaries from Bundle — might be related.

In short, I’d still be cautios about opening these packs right now.

Thank you for the explanation

But what if I opened and received golden Frozen Throne cards months ago and since this new expansion they have reverted back to non golden versions? I don’t keep duplicates so my golden Sindragosa for example is now non golden since yesterday

they dont touch or revert old cards , they add new cards and they remove this new cards so is like impossible they touch old owned cards.

I can’t help you becouse the fact that " a month ago i opened a wild pack and found golden Sindragosa" is just your words , i can only trust you or think you got confused with something else , or mb you saw a unlocked pop-up window that has nothing to do with pack opening.

It’s like you can tell me you have Sir Finely Mrrgglton, Bran Bronzeberd, Reno Jackson , Elise Starseeker , all people have this cards now , but not all people own them.
One day temporary cards will be removed and people will came here and claim they are missing.

edit: i created this pic to explain better , i dont own real copies of Brann , but i have it and can play it becouse of Core …

Thanks again but I’m sure in this case I am correct and that this is a bug (although am open to explanations)

I have been actively playing HS since just after launch (~2014) and have spent a lot of money and time building up my collection - I purchased all expansions, pre-purchase bundles, tavern passes, mini sets etc. and have built up a vast collection and have many golden cards (hence only play wild)

I had created Wild decks that were sitting there before this expansion. These decks included golden copies of cards I own.

Since logging in after launch, these previously created decks indicated they were incomplete - that’s odd I thought

After investigating it appeared that the golden copies of cards that were in these decks were indicating they were missing hence deck indicating incomplete

I don’t know when I acquired golden Frost Lich Jaina or golden Sindragosa for example during pack openings but probably within the past 2 years - I can only find their non golden version in my collection (which I would of disenchanted as already had the golden version)

It’s odd that this has only occurred to some of my golden cards within the Frozen Throne expansion - there could be more that I’m not aware of

Not sure why Blizzard is not investigating this as it’s an issue for people who own golden versions of a card and log in to find they have reverted to non golden versions.

I can’t explain it more clearly than that, owned golden cards from Frozen Throne expansion have reverted to non golden

I’m sounding like a total cretin going on about golden cards no longer there, first world problems etc but it’s the principle of cultivating a collection and for no reason, being dulled down because of <insert can someone investigate/give a plausible explanation> reasons please

mb the fact that you still own the normal version of this cards is the proof that you didn’t owned the gold version at first .

So you started from having this cards as normal version , for a limited time they unlocked golden version and you used the temporary golden version , now they removed gold version and you are back to the situation it was before.

edit: i have decks with missing cards too , but this decks was created using free dk cards i dont have that was given on november 1st and removed on december 6

edit2: if you check old announcements , on november 1st

Patch 24.6, launching today, is a massive patch that kicks off Hearthstone’s next event, immediately adds Knights of the Frozen Throne to the free Core Set for a limited time

I don’t see anyone else listing this, but every time I start a new bounty in Mercenaries, I get a pop up “New Class Unlocked!” and shows Death Knight. There is no way to exit this message and I have to close Hearthstone and restart it. Joining the existing bounty that I just started works fine. But it means that every time I start a new bounty I need to close and re-open HS which is pretty annoying. This has happened all ~5 times now I’ve started a new bounty.

I had a deck with two Arcsplitters and was able to play it. Received signature versions from rewards track. Rolled for new rare cards. Replaced with signature versions in my mage deck and now if i try to go to play it shows error, can’t connect. If i remove them from this deck, i can join games with it. Signature cards causing connection problems?

Scourge Strike in duels is Uncastable when its upgraded.

Duels Death Knight Hero, Scarlet Leafdancer, has a hero power option “Hematology”: “Spend up to 3 corpses, for each reduce the cost of a card in your hand by (1).” this does not interact properly with cards like Stitched Giant that discounts itself based on the number of corpses you spent that game.