24.6.2 Patch Notes

Have u even played the game once, game designers?
Who is responsible for UX of the gameplay?
Some champions are just broken and they are picked 95 times more often than the others. Some tasks are just useless. Even with all of this RNG game could have been more enjoyable. I understand the overall startegy, we have a fanbase/range/community, we monetize everything as much as we can, but your content and the game experience is basically dead. Many streamers left the game for good, because it is not optimized and the experience overall is bad, always the same, zero optimizing. People were so hyped about mercenaries but You basically destroyed it. Everything is monetized, regions have the same USD prices, I understand The CEOs care only about the profit at the end (I don’t blame them, the original creators may not be on the board right now - eveyrthing is monetized as always, stocks/price trends/etc.), I am a Finance Major, but trust me, the game mechanics matter too. It would be more profitable this way. Game experience designers are busy working on other stuff I guess (WOW is a huge deal I know, it is the same company overall), I mean who cares, u earn money anyways, right? Or they may also not know what they do wrong… Interesting

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Battlegrounds is really on a bad state at the moment. Lobbies are extremely fast, if you get 3 bad quests or ridiculously hard to completes you 100% lose (7th, 8th). What determines the quest objectives anyways? It doesn’t feel like it is hero tier based.

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