23.4 Known Issues

How about disabling Bioluminescence and Snapdragon or is it fine to abuse them as well?

I completed Book of Heroes Uther, received my pack and the achievement got completed but the completion crown didn’t show up. On relog, the number on Book of Heroes went back from 60 to 68.

This has been happening for me as well since the patch, while doing merc bounties on my Android device.

Same thing happened to me today. So frustrating.

  • [Added 6/1]: The team is aware of a visual bug with Baine Bloodhoof’s Herbal Ancestry Equipment (Chain Heal will state it will heal 20, but it will actually heal for the correct amount based on that Ability and Equipment level).

This is not the only issue with Baine heals. He is not gaining healing power from Mulgore Might. After using this ability, Chain Heal will still only heal for the original amount on the following turn.

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Mercenaries Bounties:

  1. Still some heroics do not always give legendary coins like Empress Shek’zara in The Sunken City (I just had 3x Elise coins and a bonus reward from curse with legendary coins).

  2. The order of Y’shaarj bounty and Garrosh Hellscream have their places swapped - the last one appears to be Garrosh while the quest chain says the last one is Y’shaarj and it is unlocked after beating Garrosh…

  3. Tyrael ability to combo freeze always freezes without combo.

  4. Tyrael treasure in PvE that is “Bench: swap with a merc that should die and save it” or something like that doesn’t work at all.

  5. Minions always act after mercs on our side no matter how we queue them.


  1. PvP matches do not give mercs experience ?!?!
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Some mercenaries bugs:

  • His first skill doesn’t give healing power (his buff list always shows 0).
  • His Totem Call treasure doesn’t work properly. It’s passive battlecry effect, but can be used as skill which does nothing. Also healing totem doesn’t heal.
  • His second skill always freezes.
  • His 5th quest is duplicated 4th quest (deal 150 dmg) instead “complete bounty at lvl 30”.

This is also happening to me and it’s very frustrating. I have to close and reopen the client frequently. Something similar also seems to happen if I quickly retire and retry a bounty (e.g. to get a certain layout or to get a quick Boon node for a task).

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Can‘t start a Standard game on iOS at all anymore, tried iPhone and iPad. I can queue but keep getting kicked out with the error message “There was an error starting your game.“

try remaking the deck you were playing with as in copying the deck code, making a deck with the same cards and then trying with the new deck

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I can’t play as Garona, despite having her set as favorite and the deck list clearly showing her as the active hero.

Whenever I start a game with Maestra in the deck and my hero gets revealed, the game defaults to Cap’tain Valeera instead.

Android Version completely unusable. Frequent crash after entering merc character page (to change item for example). Happens in all my sndrodi devices. Basically its a crash every 20 seconds while checking my comp equipment. New patch new bugs. Have you thought about hiring some actual developers?

The Killamari Gameplay achievement for Sunken City — “Destroy 3/6 enemies at once with Ozumat’s Deathrattle effect.” — doesn’t seem to record progress or complete.

I’ve destroyed 3 minions with a single deathrattle activation at least twice now, and the achievement still reads as 0/3.


There’s a bug I’m experiencing when I first launch hearthstone on my iPhone 12. When opening the app and going into the collection manager, the Hero portraits for classes hover over the cards. I don’t know if it’s occurring on other iPhones of iPad models or on Android. I have a picture of the bug as well, but I’m not sure how to submit it.

This. Specially if you’re playing mobile and PC. There are weird deck sync issues.

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Mercenaries leaderboard it’s bug? or you are hiding the bots?

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hs:ngresult db error:303:0 error here as well. Pretty annoying, tbh.


Some mercenary bounty fights have wrong images (I have saved a proof if needed).
I just had a fight against Bru’kan in 1-1 Barrens, and the skin on the fight was with a pufferfish (Gigafin?!) and on the right side above the “start” button it was a Bru’kan skin from BGs.

Book of Heroes bug: in fight vs Zainra Dathril can have Sunken Hopes ability to “Dredge for opponent. If it’s a spell increase its Cost to 10” - it works on minions too. Got Dredged Spirit of the Tides costing 10 mana.

In addition, his passive equipment gives attack in stead of health (healing power doesn’t work).

P.S. I feel like we work for free as testers for Blizzard. But instead we pay, so it is not actually free.