22.2 Known Issues

A fix for those who are locked out of duel right now on mobile and pc. If your screen gets frozen when you try to click resume on the beginning screen of duels, if you click where the rewards lock would be, it opens the lock and you can keep playing. It won’t show up on your screen you just have to click until you hit it. I hope this helps anyone until they fix the issue

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Hey GnomeSayin! I opened 40 Mercenaries packs and did not find a single legendary mercenary hero. Is this a bug? Can someone explain to me how does the Pity Timer work in Mercenaries? :]


No bug because there is no pity timer for Mercenary packs.

Wow, what an unpleasant surprise. Fuschia, thanks for your reply!

" * [Added 1/25] There is a bug where if you don’t own a Mercenary, but do have enough Coins to craft the Mercenary, the game will offer you the option to put that Mercenary into the Training Grounds. But since you don’t own the Mercenary, the server rejects that selection and nothing happens…"

Actually something really happens if you close the Training Grounds windows with a bugged Mercenary in a slot, Training Grounds gets bugged and will refuse to open again permanently, not even by buying the bugged hero or restarting client fixes the issue


Yeah my duels run has been stuck ever since I finished it, I believe I started it AFTER the new patch happened, but everytime I go to start a duels run, it gives me the “Resume” button and doesn’t let me start a new one. Even if I click resume, it makes a sound as if it will bring me to the chest, but the screen doesn’t change, so I can’t even click on anything ,and there are no back buttons so I’m forced to leave the game aka exit the app. I uninstalled and reinstalled and that didn’t fix the issue either.

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Try the workaround at this post 22.2 Known Issues - #65 by scrubslayer-1504

If it works like :hearts: their post

Tryed this very often, doesn´t work. So frustrating

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Since the patch my Mercenary Sylvanas Task 7 says complete but it errors every time I try to claim it. “There was an error claiming your task, Please try again later.” Been trying every few hours and I still can’t get it completed. Please help Barrenmore#1612 NA Server

I am having the same problem.

In mercenaries, My coins dsappeared for mr smite after attempting to upgrade smite slam to level 5. It went the the animation but when I exited it was level 4 and my coins were back. Tried it a few times. I restarted the game and went back and the coins were gone and smite slam was level 4. :frowning: please help

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I still have this issue, even after crafting the missing hero. It is not resolved as yet.
Would be good to be able to use the training grounds again

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THANK YOU, I BELIEVE THIS TO BE COMMON… I was also trying to play and i assume it has to do with duels being weird. maybe treasures are having issues in general.

Same happens to me! Really annoying since Sr. Tomb Diver is so fun to play

After the latest update - I’ve placed two heroes onto the training court (mercenaries), and since then I can no longer access the court. It just doesn’t do anything after I click on it - on both pc and mobile.

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No news for the bug preventing people from playing duels if they had a run going on last patch ? I don’t know, a Bug that prevents people from being able to play seem like it should be a priority.

So I found a fix. A fix that required my android phone so a fix that could not work yesterday because the update did not work on android.

One may be able to open ones rewards without seeing them and while they are not on the right place. If you can do that you will unstuck the game and be able to proceed. THIS DOES NOT WORK ON PC at least for as much as I tried.

Fix your game please that was annoying as hell to go through.


I got the same issue because they allow me to put a hero that I haven’t crafted yet in the training ground, then I can’t open the training ground again.


I have the same issue but with task 9. Previously the task said destroy 30 enemies using For the Queen and after the patch it is just 15 enemies. I have killed 20 enemies is the task progress before the patch.

You, good sir, are a gamer hero!