22.0 Known Issues

Yes, that was done in the 12/10 patch.

Also having this issue

So, 5 or 7?

I received non-golden lokholar twice. Where is my second Lokholar ?

Hi I found a glitch worth noting hope it isnt a bug.
When i casted clumsy courier, it casted icebloodtower. I ended my turn.
then iceblood tower casted rune of the archmage and casted evocation.
all the cards should have disappeared after the end of turn but i was able to keep all my cards given by evocation. You could also cast them the next turn although they were in a hollow state. Since your hand was full too due to evocation the next card you draw will be discarded.

I still haven’t received compensation for Vanndar

Glaciate: Discover an 8-Cost minion. Summon and Freeze it.
It wasn’t frozen on the turn after and i lost my arena game.

That’s not a bug but a side effect of how the game works.
At the start of the “end of tuen” phase, the game first checks all the things it needs to do, sorts them in order according to some internal rules, then goes through that list. If Evocation is case during this “end of turn” processing, then “discarding the unused spells” will not make it to the list because the list has already been made.

While it is of course possible to change the coding to add “discarding the unused spells” to the list of things to do when Evocation is cast during end of turn processing, that would either be a weird (and for seasoned players unexpected) exception to the normal rules, or it would have to be done for many cards and effects, which would undoubtedly introduce lots of new weird interactions.

Which minion was that?
If it’s a minion with Charge, or a minion with Rush and there were enemy minions on the board when it was summoned, then it could have attacked immediately if it had not been frozen.
A freeze effect weirs off after a minion misses an attack it otherwise could have made. So for Rush and Charge minions, I would expect Glaciate to prevent the attack the turn it gets summoned and then unfreeze at the end of the turn.

Mercenaries - Thrall Task 8 - Use Boon: Protector Coin 2 times
I’ve used 4 Protector Boon Coins and only have credit for 1.

Was Thrall in the Party or resting back at the campfire?
Did you restart Heathstone?

Restarting the game allowed me to receive credit. Thanks

Hi i’m from Latam, so i don’t know where I can get help but I will try here, just before the month changed I won the game that would take me to the rank of legend, but the game crashed and prevented me from reaching that rank, if you know who I could talk to about this problem I would be very grateful, because I have suffered a lot to reach that rank, but the game has failed so I could not reach.

If any developer reads this I would be very grateful if they review my case and use the information they have from the games to confirm that what I say is true and that the game did not recognize my victory, I would only ask that the game recognize that I won the game that it would take me to the legend rank and that the game gives me the legend back, I would be very grateful if you help me because I have fought a lot to become a legend, not to receive that reward.

Hi, im another victim of this bug: “The free legendary card “Lokholar the Ice Lord” can be obtained from level 20 quest line.(if the level 1 reward is not clicked before level 20 reward clicked.)”

Chinese reporter thread with an image: https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=29758237


Just finished a BG with Mr. Bigglesworth, went with beasts all the way.

mid-game, no one dead, turn 10ish, 2 mama bears on board, place first hydra down, giving it +10/+10… got a 2nd Hydra, placed it down… this time it gave +10/+10 & Divine Shield. (awesome!)

I also played an Amalgadon when I had the 2 mama’s out,… can Don’s get reborn? cause I didn’t use a snake on it.

I won in the end, but felt like I cheated with this bug. Lol

no one will review your case becouse client crash change nothing, all stats are tracked serverside.
What happens is that what matters is the game end time, if you start a game in a month and end it on new month , game win is counted on new month.
Next time just dont wait last minute.

In the past high rank legend players used to start games last minute , but usually the losing player ropes e stalls game just to make it null ( they rope till new month )

Dear Developers, where is solution? The problem is massive, no feedback from you.
It’s very disappointing. We didn’t get Winter Veil Card for Christmas from tavern brawl.

Good afternoon, dear developers
In the game there are constantly breaks in the connection, it is impossible to play!!! There’s always a break… Because of this, I constantly lose in the ranking!
If not in the rating, then in any mode a similar situation!
There are no problems on the part of the Internet! I connected both via mobile Internet and Via Wi-Fi, the result is the same!!!

That is, players invest money in the game, albeit voluntarily, but for this we want the game to work normally!!! And not in the way that constantly delivers disco
And there is no answer from your side!!! No one even listens.
Just a terrible suggestion!!! I’ve never experienced this with any game.
What’s on pc, what’s on android!!!
Take the example of GTA 5 online, very rarely there are gaps, and in your game, they are on an ongoing basis!!! When do you finally fix the game?!!! Delete again???

On the Mercenaries’ new building, the training grounds, the heroes are supposed to be in alphabetical order but some of them are randomly scattered.

I received a copy of Vanndar in a pack today. I feel Vanndar shouldn’t be in packs, given everyone will be getting the diamond version - on top of the golden version I already have.