2 new warlock cards

2 mana shadow spell
Tradeable, Temporary
Destroy a minion

Fine Print
4 mana shadow spell
Deal 4 damage to all minions (Excess damage hits your hero)

Both add to control warlock doing control warlock things. Former might make it in aggro lists though if lock is so fast that they can afford occasionally spending 1 mana to trade instead of pushing more pressure.

The latter is a spell that if priest/DH gets it would enable some silly burst with tourist. Alas…

Rogues will probably only ever use the tradeable cheaper assassinate. If they aren’t going to nerf the sonya combo decks, it’s probably a boon to those decks.


I love those

Yeah, you can put them in aggro decks if the meta requires it, but yeah, it’s mainly control cards this time around

Although it really feels weird to call an obvious tempo card a “control tool”, but I guess that’s what the game is all about now, tempo

If tempo was ever considered a separate playstyle, like aggro and control, it’s really not the case anymore

EVERY deck is tempo deck nowadays.

I don’t understand why Locks get destroy a minion for such low mana cost.
If my class were capable of removing any minion for two mana,
(and it’s tradeable too? smh) the screams would break some eardrums.

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Deadline seems pretty neat. i misunderstood the fact that temporary was on there but as i was working out the logic i realized that it’ll go away if you don’t play or trade it the turn you get it in your hand, so basically you play hot potato with it lol

Also Fine Print is going in my Demon Seed deck fo sho.

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Warlock has long stolen Mage board Control Crown, good cards for the class.
Shame Rogue cant do much with them,Rogue should have really gotten the other tourist.

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I don’t understand why: “destroy any minion” is costed so low. Idrc if Warlock is the ultimate control class. That’s fine.
But to be able to remove any minion for two mana seems senseless to me.
That’s better than Devolve, which doesn’t remove anything, and isn’t tradeable. and better than Deadly Shot, which is random.
Better than Assassinate and Asphyxiate too.

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i’ma be surprised if it don’t get nerfed in some fashion in the coming weeks, maybe a 1 (MAYBE 2) mana cost increase, considering Siphon Soul is arguably a lil better (at least situationally) n costs 4.

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Yeah. I know I’m not the expert some of you are, but this seems too good.

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You are forgeting the keyword “Temporary”. It is IMHO quite big drawback. You can´t keep it in hand to use it on some big threat of your choice. You will have to trade it away wasting 1 mana or use it on whatever you can the turn you draw it. And occassionaly you draw it in perfect time for perfect use… but how many times that happens?

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Both seem horrible.

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But if it is tradeable, doesn’t that negate the problem of temporary?
you get to draw a card for one mana repeatedly if nothing else.

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You’ll still need to invest mana to trade it, which forces you to play off-curve for a seemingly weak effect. even in application.

Didn’t Priest used to have a 1-mana spell that effectively ‘removed’ a minion if its damage exceeded or was equal to its health? This is far worse, because you can’t even keep hold onto it, and it costs more.

Imagine drawing it on Turn 1 when you already have a 1-mana play; you’d have to let it go and allow it to be discarded.

Now, if it was 1-mana it would probably be good, but only then.

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Seems better than anything I can do. I can’t draw for one mana, and I can’t remove any minion for two, in any deck I play.
but I see the one mana catch now:)

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I don’t believe that.

Just compare it to Fire Sale and you’ll see the difference. With Tradeable, you keep it in matchups where you need it and trade it away in matchups where you don’t, an ideal use of the mechanic.

This card, on the other hand, requires consistent attention. If you don’t invest the mana to trade it away on the turn you draw it, you end up losing a card, without a correspondent cycle.

It might have some applications, but it’s not as impactful as it might seem.
What if I draw it and my opponent doesn’t have a minion on board? Or what if I want to curve out this turn and end up drawing this card, forcing me to play off-curve, else lose a card?


yeah, I was gonna mention fire sale @ 4 mana.
Seems like this card is under-costed, but maybe I am not taking the temporary handicap seriously enough.


No, it mitigate it, for sure, but definitely not negate. Early, you probably will need every mana avilable to you and waste it on forced trade is very weak. And if you won´t trade you lose the card.
Later on, when mana is no issue, you trade it away because you don´t need it right now only to deal with big fat minion very next turn, but you just traded away your answer…


I just tend to visualize the situation of me drawing it in an actual game.

Sure, in some situations I just killed my opponent’s 8-mana cost minion with a 2-mana spell. But in other times I only got an equal trade by using to kill my opponent’s turn 2-played minion, simply because I rather play it than waste it. Other times, I just got forced off my play. A lot can go wrong.


so it’s more risk/reward than I thought.


I’d say it’s more like a thorn in the side for its wielder. xD

You don’t want this card messing up your curve. The same goes for Control decks, they don’t just sit back and HP every turn anymore; they actually have plays to make.


I actually have to agree with kewl here (probably for the first time, lol). This is one of those cards when it delivers, it delivers it big time. I am sure we will see some crazy lucky hits by the streamers, we will see some outcries on the forums calling for nerfs, but in reallity it still goes down to: