The extra effects are Lifesteal, Poisonous, Windfury, and Divine Shield
Speaker Stomper seems like a really nice card in general. A more expensive Cult Neophyte with tradable
Remixed Musician? Well, its a nice arena card
The extra effects are Lifesteal, Poisonous, Windfury, and Divine Shield
Speaker Stomper seems like a really nice card in general. A more expensive Cult Neophyte with tradable
Remixed Musician? Well, its a nice arena card
Remixed Musician is pack filler.
Speaker Stomper:
Loatheb? You’re as beautiful as the day I lost you.
Wiw hats off to team 5. They finaly adding some fun new cards!
Ok, I’m going to make a major hot take here.
But, that 3 mana minion…isn’t half bad. In fact, I might actually run it in my Control Priest.
Hear my out. 3 mana 3/3 with Rush is very meh. That wouldn’t see play much. But, with an added benefit OTHER than taunt makes it really nice in a Control Deck.
Windfury on turn 3 against aggro, this is a 2 minion removal tool for 3. I’ll take it with Windfury.
Divine Shield on turn 3 against aggro, this is a single target removal that leaves up a 3/3 body. I’ll take that on 3 as well.
Lifesteal, arguably the weakest of the 3, is still a single target removal with healing that leaves up a body if this doesn’t die off. Penance is 2 mana 3 damage lifesteal and saw tons of play. I’d pay 1 more mana to possibly leave up a body that can heal again.
Poisonous is another 3 mana for sure removal anytime.
All 4 are really good. The obvious downside here is that you don’t get to choose. So, late game, the card is meh unless it hits poison. But on turn 3, this a fantastic card for controlling the board.
Speaker stomper giving aggro players a chance to keep their board built a turn longer against 5 mana board wipes. I like it.
Agree with Schyla here, the 3 mana minion will definitely see play and should work great against aggro decks. The 4 mana minion seems terrible, loatheb( or whatever it was called) was a 5 mana minion 5/5 which made the spells cost 5 more and still only saw limited play. 50 power creeps later and I have a hard time imagine anyone will pay 4 mana for a 4/4 body with a niche effect
Jeff, it has tradeable. If the niche effect is bad, just trade it.
What do you take out of your deck to make room for it?
Control priest is severely lacking a 3 drop. I’ve been opposed to running identity theft and using it as a card you play on turn 3. It’s massive tempo loss on 3 and turn 3 is a major turn in power for aggro. Control priest can’t afford to play identity theft on 3 vs aggro, so it’s a dead draw on 3.
This minion would be a decent for the 3 slot. I run a heavy 2 mana card list for my control priest. It’s been working out way better than the junk that’s being ran now. This will be a good card to experiment with.
Come to think of it, Control Warrior is missing a 3 drop, too. FtD doesn’t cut it.
Stop making me think about more Control Warrior experiments!