2 New Neutral Cards, Mecha Leaper and Razorscale

Epic · Minion · TITANS · Magnetic Deathrattle: Give a friendly Mech +2/+2 and this Deathrattle.

Similar Deathrattle to leaper from BGs. I dont really know how to judge this. Opponent has to kill the deathraytle last to stop the leaping, which could create some awkward situations

Epic · Minion · TITANS · Cards can

Its an aura effect, so all your opponent has to to is kill it. Seems pretty garbage, maybe some Dragon deck can use it.

That Razorscale art will look gloious Golden. Sadly ill never run it.

YEP these cards sure are worthy of Epic.

In Hearthstone terms meaning played on every deck or unplayable. Guess which one these 2 go to. xd

Razorescale is the unplayable.

For it to be good his effect should be everything cost atleast 3.

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The first one doesn’t feel like maindecking, even for a mech deck. Probably too slow?

Seems like one of the better generation cards from the “Flame Behemoth” though.

You can laugh on me but i gonna make a really dificult call here.

This is the rise of mech DK card.

Mecha-Leaper could be good, but I think it’s going to be too much work to be worth it.

0/5 Star Power hard run.

3-5 Star Power when you generate it and are ahead. Seems weak if your not ahead.

Razorscale is probably fine because it’s an Aura instead of Battlecry.

It could possibly become kind of broken with buff spells or combo’ing with other stuff, but I don’t think it would be easy to break.

I think there will be enough decks that will ignore this card enough that people won’t want to play it as a meta card.

Happy to see an Ogremancer/Trogg type card instead of a toxic Loatheb.

2/5 Star Power. Only run in decks who really want to tech hard.

Mecha-Leaper will be played when it’s randomly generated by Flame Behemoth.

Razorscale will never be played. What’s it supposed to counter? Thaddius? A tech card that doesn’t even immediately destroy something or counter a play. It’ll just get removed and then life goes on…

Those old “Minions/spells/Battlecry minions cost 2 more” cards were more tempting than this thing is.

Problem with the Mecha-Leaper is that it is “Infectious Ghoul” but for mechs. Reason Infectious Ghoul didn’t make it into any aggro deck is that your opponent if he is not playing for board probably just aoe clears the whole board with 1 spell and the effect *poofs.

Feels like a “let us add a feels good magnetic card for the “Flame Behemoth” to generate and other than that, unplayable”.

Razorscale is at least interesting because he doesn’t say cards can’t be discounted less than 2, just that cards can’t cost less than 2, so a deck that relies on using a lot of naturally 1 and 0 cost spells gets stuck paying 2 for them. Granted, it is symmetrical, so that also applies to your own deck.

It’s probably unplayable as once removed the effect goes away, but it’s at least interesting.

Leaper is god tier

Razor is useless