2 modification requests by a screen reader user

Greetings, a once sighted regular Hearthstone player here, who, thanks to the patches of a genius programmer, after almost 6 years, can play the game again, along with all other, many dozens of interested screen reader users.
I would like to ask for 2 slight modifications, to make Hearthstone easier and fasterfor us to play:

  1. In battles, due lack of sight and screen reader using, we need slightly more time to follow the game and finish our turn on time. Due this reason, I would ask You to slightly increase the time limit for turns.
    Personally I would wish for a 15 second turn limit increase, but even 10 or 5 seconds would be better than nothing.
  2. Recently we noticed, that there are many questing heroes in the game, we get drawn against them more and more often, both in ranked and custom battles.
    Unfortunately we cannot access the way to start such quests during battles yet, and those questing opponents in most cases have very significant advantages over normal, non questing heroes in battles, they are extremely hard to beat probably for sighted non questing players as well.
    This is why I would suggest the concurrency, competition of questing heroes to be separated from normal, non questing ones, so they would be drawn, and fight only vs eachother.
    If this is due some reason too much to ask for, please apply this separation at least to ranked battles only, for those are the most important part of the game after all.
    Caccio from Hungary

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