1st place, but 2nd place in battlegrounds

The same happened to me last night as well as right now in the morning, both time s with Jarruxus. Same pattern as above mentioned, feels bad that have been robbed of two first placed…

This same has happened to me a several times now. Getting pissed now. Hope they solve this

It has been two times since I tried to win. But the first in the game is an AFK player, he has almost his entire life, he has Tavern Level 1 or 2, and has only had one or two fights. It’s really annoying, because it eats me game points to climb up the ranks…
I hope that will be fixed quickly and that they will give us back our points eaten by bugs … Thank you! …

Yep! Forced 2nd place in Battlegrounds is annoying and needs to be fixed!

Same Problem here. Lost with ragnaros with remaining hp, got 2nd place.

Same problem here, my main issue is that i didnt get the achievement

I also came across this issue twice now, and I am not sure about what happened to my rating but it really sucks that I don’t get achievement either.

This just happened to me. 1/6/21 ~7:50pm PST.

EXACT same thing happened to me. I was Elise and could never fight Emu. Can’t fight the last guy and game ends even though I had health. Sucks getting 2nd place points when there’s nothing you could do about it.

Wondering if it’s a hack. Sad that blizzard hasn’t responded to any of these even though clearly there’s so many occasions

Just a quick update: this time I didn’t get to fight place 1 at all (looked like I stood a pretty decent chance), so was robbed of N’zoth achievement. Would be great to have it awarded, as its no fun to gun for the win achievements (although they are each easy individually, it takes quite them to collect them all) and be robbed of them several times over …

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exact same thing as patches, Have screenshot if helps but cant see how to add one here

Same bug: one player disconnected from first turn and persisted to top with 31 hp and finished as first, me as second with +102

Battlegrounds. Person I defeated early on came back to life. I got to three people left including myself, the person I defeated previously, and illidan. I defeated Illidan and after screen came up saying second place but I was not defeated yet and the guy I defeated previously took the gold. Bug or hack I have no idea.

Same happened to me today, owned the whole game, every card golden and did 37 damage to the last guy standing and finished 2nd place missing the achievement. I’m sure it is an exploit but I’m not sure how it is done.

Experienced the same thing multiple times over the last 3 or 4 days.

One to one problem, like mine, I wanted to contact the support service, but they told me to write to the forum, so I note that I also encountered this problem

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And I think if this is a problem of the game, then fix and return the points, and if the players of the program, then ban

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it happened to me twice: in december and yestarday.

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I got the same Problem for 2 time now -.-
I don’t know if I get the points the for 2nd place or for 1st.
I’m also don’t understand the system.
Sometimes I’m 6th place and get 30+ points and next match I’m 4th and get 5- points -.-

Got screwed by this twice now while playing with some very hard heroes. I’m trying to get the first place achievements for all heroes and this is very exhausting to play against…

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