17.6 Balance Updates

Dont forgot that Mage will probably get more High cost SPells in future. So this way they dont need to hit the Tax Mana on those spells

and your priest still dont touched … everytimes protected for blizzard…

  • Dragoncaster was just a better Inkmaster Solia but with a much easier trigger and at an earlier curve. I don’t mind it getting nerfed.

  • Cache was a strong curve tutor. Singlehandedly brought Pirate Warrior in Wild back up the tiers. Not a bad nerf either.

  • Warglaives were just busted to begin with.

  • Fungal was already overvalued, but it seems like it was a salty nerf given that Book of Spectres in mage essentially was the opposite. One could argue that spells in Mage are more impactful than minions in Druid, but you still drew 3 cards with each.

  • the 0 to 1 cost nerfs are justified. 0 cost anything is a problem in Hearthstone. It’s a volatile choice to create cards like that. Yeah the Rogues may be sad about 1 mana Backstab or Prep, but if they’re also getting 1 mana Togwaggles and Flikshivs, are they really losing anything?


Wild is outside of hearthstone its not a game

Weird. I could’ve sworn you had to be in the Hearthstone client to play Wild Hearthstone games.


Also Warlock hasn’t been touched thank god (except for alextrazsa on questlock which isnt a big deal) and since its good vs hunter and priest and ok vs warrior im betting its gonna go up :smiley:

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Also a cached wrenchcalibur was on curve stronger than a true silver. Not necessary lol.


As always, destroying the cards instead the real problem with DH was the draw cards mechanism, and warrior the problem never was the cache, was the combos…so now priest again is the worst match to every deck in HS cause nobody has 30-1 hr to play 1 match on pc and never in cellphone

I think this patch has some upsides and some downsides.
Demon Hunter getting 3 nerfs is great. However, I’m afraid Kayn wont be very diffrent, I wish he would finally get Rush instead of Charge. But at least Warglaives and Metamorphosis take a big hit! :slight_smile:
Warrior…is not all that nerfed. I most cases, all the weapons just deal 3 overall damage less without the attack buff.
Dragonqueen is meh in my opinion, I would’ve prefered to see Zephrys nerfed for Highlanders.

With these nerfs being somewhere between great and ok, I think Druid, Mage and especially Rogue Nerf are a bad idea. In the last big balance patch, they also nerfed classes from the middle of the pack (Zoo Warlock, Secret Rogue) which prevented big Meta changes since…everything was just a bit worse. And I fear this will happen again.
Druid is in a strange position with many drastic matchups. Nerf: Yes, Fungal Fortunes: No. I think changing Bog Beam and Ironbark would’ve been better.
Mage is currently a terrible class and mostly played cause it’s fun. This didnt need a nerf.
Rogue is perfectly balanced and very fun. Out of all the classes in this patch, it took the biggest nerf. I think this is a really bad idea.

TLDR: Nerf Demon Hunter and Warrior to get them in line with other classes, dont nerf everything because the Meta wont change if everything is worse.

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How is Kayn garbage? It was never played because it has 5 health lol. Its effect is still the same, it costs 4 mana, and it has 3 attack. That’s all that matters. It won’t be removed from any decks. Metamorphosis got hit way worse.


It’s crazy to sit here and think that Baku/Genn were so poorly designed that they not only lasted a single year in Standard due to how lopsided they made deckbuilding, but years down the line the current devs have to deal with how odd/even cards will play in the Wild environment.


I knew they would find a way to kill mage instead of getting rid of the stupid RNG.


Let’s no forget that Crimson Sigil Runner, Priestess of Fury, Skull of Gul’dan, Battlefiend and Eye Beam -nerfs were pretty big ones aswell. I do agree that warglaives is one of the strongest cards, but pre-nerf battlefiend and skull were way more OP IMO.


The Dragoncaster nerf won’t kill Mage. It just makes Puzzle Box come out 1 turn later. I’d say the Dragonqueen nerf is a bigger hit to Mage than Dragoncaster.


I agree. Dragon Mage is dead and so is any semblance of tempo for mage. Instead the only thing We have is roll the dice and pray.
I hope every developer gets fired. They suck these days.


Don’t really like the nerfs to Warglaives or Dragoncaster. Dragoncaster isn’t that reliable and requires having multiple cards to pull off the combo. Warglaives is a signature card, anything other than that. Oh wait, they already nerfed everything other than that lol.


I’d argue they’re better designed than say, highlander cards, simply because odd/even is a much more interesting deck building limitation and they have support other than legendary cards, but you’re right probably.


simply horrible like how much of a dork you need to be to nerf rogue without need

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Yeah, it’s not like warrior and priest are going to take over the meta now or anything… Geniuses at Blizzard, I tell ya’


Priest is not gonna take over anything while Highlander Hunter remains viable.