17.0.2 Balance Patch

i think it was intended to reduce Flamewakers potential, thus slowing QM down.

That does very little in practice.
I can assure you.

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How so? It makes no difference if it’s 6 or 8 because quest mage almost always casts 8 spells before they use time warp anyway.

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This makes Albatross unplayable, which will cause highlander decks to run amok… I’m not crafting the cards you want me to craft, i’d rather stop playing

Yeah, imagine if they just hadn’t printed Vargoth, that would’ve been pretty cool. :upside_down_face:

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Well yeah you never really know unless you can see the future but it’s well known that sac pact was the one card that was gate keeping DH from the top spot.

Now that it’s useless against them there seems to be very little in the way of stopping them. But who knows, maybe just MAYBE these small nerfs are enough to allow other decks or cards to gate keep them.

But when DH take the top spot I don’t think I’ll be playing until they get nerfed.


The interaction with vargoth isn’t the main issue. The best questmage deck is the non reno version which doesn’t run vargoth. That is the version of the archetype that is causing issues.


I love nerf’s that give me more dust!

Slowing down the snowball-start for Alba?

How about, realizing most classes in wild can’t counter game-ending-combo well, and Alba is a chance-tool to affect combo, and not instantly either. This change exactly delays Abla’s effect 1 turn at minimum, let me bring you up to speed.

A snowball staring a whole turn later, matters more and more as the match goes on. Meaning, its not just a 1 turn mana nerf, or a 1 turn tempo nerf, this is a snowball starting too-late to matter, to affect combo. By the way, the last thing Alba cares about is Reno Jackson, those are just anti-aggro decks that are not effective vs the combo-field. Like, nobody’s playing Alba in wild to “Bring it to Reno, Zeph, and Mage-Highlander”. It’s more like “Lets slow down this Youtube-combo deck my opponent info-shared”. Now, you’ve nerfed our ability to do just that, for all classes. Ok?

Is this a case of standard balance getting priority and targeting the neutral card in an oppressive synergy-combo with Alba over whatever class in standard is breaking apart reno decks over there? Like, standard’s balance, negatively affecting not-meta in wild. The catch is, it’s not like in 2 years you’ll hit us back with a wild-only buff to Alba back to 3, or compensate us in the collection manager for lack of angles to the meta. Dust isn’t balance.

But, you nerf one angle of approach to the whole wild meta?
Meta-shrinking move right there.
Minus well nerf Weasel Tunneler if that’s your logic Blizz…make it 2 mana, 1 mana Weasel is too OP v Wild combo yes?

To boot, i own Waygate gold from an unpack, and even though i don’t play meta, i can see that mana cheat on turn 5-6 now instead of mana cheat on turns 3-6 is still going to be meta-defining. Mage sees barely-less play? Aggro gets 1 more turn?

Totally expected, mana nerfs matter, the combo potential w Alba is sabo’d, couldn’t you raise it’s effect to 3 birds to compensate for the low-combo potential now?

I think that would be fair to us Wild not-meta players.
Bad Luck Albatross: “Now costs 4 mana, but hey, here’s a bone Wild-non-OTK people, shuffle 3 birds instead of 2, so you get something for your loss”.


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Ehh. For Wild, it adds to Cubelock still being able to pop a Voidcaller.

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Can you once see clear .CAN YOU ? The mahe quest is not about the number of spells but the mana they spend . At the worst case scenario is 2 coins 2 arcane missiles an 2 secret or arcane intelect generated by magic trick .combined with aprentice they literally gain extra mana to complete the quest . Change it so instead of the number of spells is taking counted for in reverse mana cost . Simple words 'Spent 10 mana on spells that didnt started in your deck ’ or even 12 . What you did now won’t change much . Irrelevant


Shrug. Biggest change I see here is that demon hunters one bad match up got a lot better.


you have increased the completion requirements by 33%, meaning you have less resources to work with after quest completion. the effect of this would cause certain combos to be less effective.

You do not sound like someone who has played this deck extensively.
I refer you to Hijo, who created this deck, in essence, and reached legend several times with it. Even rank 1 legend.
He is laughing his rear off. Because he knows this does nothing.
Quest Mage’s ‘combo resouces’ are 0 mana 8/8s which attack for free.
Don’t act like you understand the core issue.
Quest Mages have handspace issues more than they struggle with resources.


I’m just saying, this does make certain combos less effective. obviously this doesn’t change the requirements to play 0 mana 8/8s, but it does reduce to the potential of certain combos, thus slowing the mage down. or at least, reducing the decks power level, to some degree.

The main counters to that deck have also been nerfed, while it’s auto-win aspect vs slow decks persists.
And I will guarantee you this will not do anything to change Quest Mage’s dominance over the meta.


guess we’ll see. they clearly didn’t want to kill the deck, but if it allows some decks to better can an edge on quest mage then i think we would both agree this nerf was a success.

No. Because that ‘edge’ won’t be enough to change the polarized matchups.
While the worst matchups for that deck suffer greatly.
See the issue?

To be fair, kinda disappointed.
The problem was not the mana cost of the minions but their strong effect.

Glaivebound adept still easily deal 4 damage (to face) and only cost 5.
Altruis still deals face damage.
Open the Way Gate still rewards the Time Portal. the problem was not generating 8 spells because it is easy, it was the Time Portal effect with the 0 mana Giants combined.
Bloodbloom MechaC’thun combo is now dead in Wild because of Darkest Hour Warlock.
Kael’thas is still able in Wild to get free mana UI by turn 5-6 with Innervate and Bioligy project. Why not limiting the ability of Kael’Thas to be only once per turn?

If you do a balance change, at least understand what effects and abilities needs to be changed and balance them. The mana cost only delay the strong ability in a turn.

Good job though with fixing the effect of Sacrificial Pact and reducing the early tempo of Battlefiend.

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Tech cards are supposed to be choices- I.e. this card is understated for its cost but helps me in a rough matchup. The albatross Statline is good enough that a budget deck that needed to run packfillers until they acquired good cards would be happy running a 4/3 for 3- even without the extra effect. So, unlike most tech cards- that card isn’t a trade off