31.6 Patch Notes

31.6 Patch Notes

Patch 31.6 opens the portal Into the Emerald Dream, Hearthstone’s next expansion!

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Is the update live on ios?



Below is a list of Heroes that won’t be available or will have restrictions when a certain Anomaly is active. These restrictions will also persist through re-rolls.

:green_circle: NEW ANOMALIES

  • Continuing Education - Not Available: Voone, A. F. Kay, Faelin.
  • Incubation Mutation - Not Available: Marin, E.T.C.
  • Factory Line - Not Available: Galakrond, Artanis.
  • Magic Shop - Not Available: Silas.
  • Light the Way - Not Available: Nozdormu.
  • Scout’s Honor - Not Available: A. F. Kay, Faelin, Reno, Zerek, Floop.
  • Cosmic Duality - Won’t be offered as a secondary hero power: A.F. Kay, Faelin, Thorim, Aranna, Queen Azshara, Sire Denathrius, Marin, Sir Finley, King Mukla, Cho, Gall, The Nameless One.
  • Cosmic Duality (DUOS) - Won’t be offered as a secondary hero power: Patchwerk.
  • Cosmic Duality - If offered hero, excludes from reroll (applies in reverse as well): Gallywix → Hoggarr, Millhouse, Furgl; Togwaggle → Kerrigan; Brann → Reno, Shudderwock, Onyxia → Greybough.
  • Golden Arrow - Not Available: Voone.
  • Planar Alignment - Not Available: A. F. Kay, Faelin.
  • Instant Warband - Not Available: A. F. Kay, Faelin.

:brown_circle: DUOS ANOMALIES

  • Golden Friendship - Not Available: Zerek.
  • Line in the Sand - Not Available: Zerek, Floop, Reno.
  • Pooled Resources - Not Available: Sire Denathrius, Thorim, Artanis.

:large_blue_circle: RETURNING ANOMALIES

  • A Faire Reward - Not Available: Captain Eudora, Rock Master Voone, Cho + Gall.
  • Anomalous Evidence - Not Available: A. F. Kay, Faelin.
  • Bring Home the Bacon - Not Available: Alexstrasza, Voone.
  • Bring in the Buddies - Not Available: The Rat King, George the Fallen, Lich Baz’hial, The Curator, King Mukla, Elise Starseeker, Millhouse Manastorm, Malygos, Kael’thas Sunstrider, Maiev Shadowsong, Captain Hooktusk, Skycap’n Kragg, Jandice Barov, Lord Barov, Silas Darkmoon, Overlord Saurfang, Master Nguyen, Mutanus the Devourer, Cariel Roame, Galewing, Cookie the Cook, Tavish Stormpike, Varden Dawngrasp, Bru’kan, Onyxia, Murloc Holmes, Ozumat, Heistbaron Togwaggle, Teron Gorefiend, Rock Master Voone, and any hero without a Buddy. Heroes affected by the Anomaly power: Sylvanas Windrunner, Sneed, Millhouse Manastorm.
  • Double Header - Not Available: Galakrond, Rat King, AF Kay, Patches the Pirate, C’Thun, Yogg-Saron, Maiev Shadowsong, Jandice Barov, Forest Warden Omu, Chenvaala, Zephrys, Y’Shaarj, Xyrella, Varden, Faelin, Heistbaron Togwaggle, E.T.C.
  • False Idols - Not Available: Shudderwock, Maiev, Eudora, Chenvaala, Zephrys. E.T.C. can’t be rerolled to Cho/Gall.
  • Gladiator Spoils - Not Available: Patches, Toki, Millhouse, Flurgl, Maiev, Vanndar, Onyxia.
  • Golganneth’s Tempest - Heroes not available: Galakrond, Gallywix, Rat King, A.F. Kay, Sindragosa, Toki, Yogg, Elise, Dinotamer Brann, Millhouse, Tess, Ysera, Flurgl, Nozdormu, Maiev, Eudora, Omu, Silas, Y’Shaarj, Tickatus, Xyrella, Saurfang, Kurtrus, Scabbs, Varden, Ozumat, Sire Denathrius, Enhance-o-Mechano, Putricide, Hoggarr, E.T.C.
  • Grapnel of the Titans - Heroes not available: A. F. Kay, C’Thun, Millhouse, Aranna, Maiev, Chenvaala, Xyrella, Kurtrus, Faelin, E.T.C.
  • Mimiron’s Clockwork Stadium - Not Available: Gallywix, Millhouse, Alexstrasza, Omu, Chenvaala, Faelin.
  • Money Match - Not Available: Gallywix, AF Kay, Sindragosa, Toki, C’Thun, Jaraxxus, Pyramad, Ysera, Alexstrasza, Maiev, Kragg, Omu, Tickatus, Saurfang, Kurtrus, Ini, Faelin, Murloc Holmes, Sylvanas, Putricide, E.T.C.
  • Overseer’s Orb - Not Available: Galakrond, Patches the Pirate, Lich Baz’hial, Toki, Millhouse, Eudora, Chenvaala, Togwaggle, Hoggarr.
  • Packed Stands - Not Available: Gallywix, Shudderwock, Lich Baz’hial, Toki, Millhouse, Ysera, Chenvaala, Silas, Guff, Saurfang, Cookie, Varden, Togwaggle.
  • Path of the Treasure-Seeker - Not Available: Not Available: Lich Baz’hial, C’Thun, Tess, Ysera, Nozdormu, Scabbs, Varden.
  • Prudence of Amitus - Not Available: Not Available: A.F. Kay, Faelin.
  • Summoning of Champions - Not Available: A.F. Kay, Finley, Reno, Rafaam, Tess, Scabbs, Sneed, Faelin Ban: Zerek, Master Cloner, Floop.
  • The Golden Arena - Not Available: Gallywix, Ragnaros, Millificent, Shudderwock, C’Thun, Pyramad, Reno, Dinotamer Brann, Flurgl, Vashj, Maiev, Eudora, Guff, Barov, Rakanishu, Chenvaala, Zephrys, Saurfang, Blackthorn, Cariel, Drek’Thar, Vanndar, Ini, Faelin, Murloc Holmes, Sylvanas, Jailer, Putricide, E.T.C., Thorim. Inge can’t be rerolled to Cho/Gall.
  • The Yogg-iseum - Not Available: A.F. Kay, Faelin.
  • Uncompensated Upset - Not Available: Edwin, Gallywix, Rat King, A.F. Kay, Lich Baz’hial, C’Thun, Elise, Rafaam, Millhouse, Aranna, Maiev, Eudora, Lord Barov, Omu, Chenvaala, Y’Shaarj, Guff, Xyrella, Saurfang, Blackthorn, Mutanus, Cariel, Kurtrus, Scabbs, Varden, Azshara, Faelin, Murloc Holmes, Togwaggle, Putricide, Hoggarr, ETC, Thorim, Artanis.


  • Audience’s Choice - Not Available: Lich Baz’hial, Reno Jackson, Millhouse Manastorm, Tess Greymane, Sneed, Scabbs Cutterbutter. E.T.C. can’t be rerolled to: Zerek, Master Cloner, Floop.
  • Tavern Special - Not Available: Lich Baz’hial, Infinite Toki, Dinotamer Brann, Millhouse Manastorm, Maiev Shadowsong, Heistbaron Togwaggle, Cap’n Hoggarr.
  • Temperance of Aman’Thul - Not Available: Galakrond, Queen Wagtoggle, AF Kay, Infinite Toki, C’Thun, Millhouse Manastorm, Tess Greymane, Alexstrasza, Lady Vashj, Maiev Shadowsong, Forest Warden Omu, Rakanishu, Tickatus, Overlord Saurfang, Cariel Roame, Kurtrus Ashfallen, Scabbs Cutterbutter, Cookie the Cook, Tavish Stormpike, Ambassador Faelin, Heistbaron Togwaggle, Rock Master Voone.
  • Anomalous Wisdomball - Not Available: Infinite Toki.
  • No Face, No Case - Not Available: Voone.
  • Perfected Alchemy - Not Available: Galakrond, Dinotamer Brann, Voone.
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The Battlegrounds boards collection bug is still not fixed. It shows that there is a new board in my collection but there is none and the notification won’t disappear.

This is happening since last year.


Please, never split the battle pass like that. It is extremely unpleasant to buy something and have half of it unavailable until this late in the season.


when is the update for ios? already available on android

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The Terran guy from reg Hearthstone is in my Heros collection for BGs. lol

That’s not a bug. He was added as a hero with this patch.


Don’t understand why you have to not do the iOS patch at the same time of pc and android version. It’s so frustrating.


They are working on it.

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Excited to play more BG’s.
Thanks for all your hard work!

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Not my favourite patch… too many changes we have to learn the new starcraft heros and cards… many ppl dont have so much time in life…

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The following minions have been returned to the minion pool: just a list. cool, I know them by name like my own family


I was hoping for Anomalies to return! Hype!

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None of us have that much time. Such IS life.

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I’m starting to think it’s the developers sole purpose to frustrate it’s players. Why would you bring back bass gill hand summon murlocs? That was such a toxic meta… I recently started occupying my time with other games because battlegrounds was stale, but this doesn’t make me want to come back for sure…

why cant i play against my friend on phones. he has an iphone and i have an android device

Oh come on… anomalies AGAIN?

Apparently most people are bad at adapting, because I suddenly saw a brutally impactful anomaly and found it an advantage. I would buy anything for 2 and it would auto-refresh and even freeze so that was super effective for just buying early as much as possible without rushing to upgrade.

In duo, anomalies duo always drop. Is this how it should be for duo?