30.4 Patch Notes

30.4 Patch Notes

Extend your vacation with The Traveling Travel Agency, and more!

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The OP poster must be automatic, and it needs a fix. Itā€™s the second time Iā€™ve seen it post the same major patch news on 2 threads at the same time.

[Hearthstone] Adaptive Amalgam and Immortal Prelate will now return with functional Divine Shield or Stealth if it was granted to them and then consumed before they were destroyed.

Thatā€™s strange. This seemed to be the intended behavior. Amalgam does not gain the Divine Shield keyword if the temporary buff is gained. It should not return if the Divine Shield was consumed before Amalgam died.


Arena will remain Dual-class

Thatā€™s gonna make some forum users wanting it gone rage; I personally donā€™t care; I found it very interesting though of course itā€™s very volatile to combine certain classes randomly.

no free packs in the event

Another rage producer; might not be a very fair rage; they had a second free event to say sorry for the bug with the golden pack.

No because by that logic ā€œit doesnā€™t gain [on its default description] the +5/+5 stats I gave itā€ either.

The next event wonā€™t give card packs as far as I seeā€¦ it gives other thingsā€¦ but not cardsā€¦ this might be the reason for the next player rebellion. :smiley:

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its not a bug fix, its a game improvement
"Bug Fixes and Game Improvements

[Hearthstone] Adaptive Amalgam and Immortal Prelate will now return with functional Divine Shield or Stealth if it was granted to them and then consumed before they were destroyed.
[Hearthstone] Updated Zephrys the Great (the original one) to account for Locations.
[Hearthstone] Bayfin Bodybuilderā€™s cap on sequential activations has been raised and now activates as minions are summoned when an effect summons several minions, instead of having the effect summon all the minions first and then having Bodybuilderā€™s effect trigger on all of them at once.
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where a Lifesteal minion with the Cursed Souvenir effect on it wouldnā€™t gain life "

see how it says fixed after 3 improvements

Can we get achievements for the new Core Set tho?

Very disappointed since those are the most accessible!

For battlegrounds can we please dear god get a ā€˜skip animationsā€™ button or some form of optimizing. With all the effects, frogs leaping everywhere, etc - itā€™s a nightmare and it breaks the game. Some people get 120+ seconds to do their tavern while others get barely 40.


Heh, Iā€™ve lost count of how many times itā€™s been seen.

From the department of redundancy department?

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has the (recent?) bug preventing excavated and discovered cards from being played been fixed? I donā€™t see that

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Are there loaner decks for Wild? I donā€™t know what the decks would be. Maybe just random tournament decks from the past?

Huh so cursed souvenirā€™s drawback literally not existing on life steal minions wasnā€™t an oversight it was intended. Not sure how Iā€™m supposed to feel about that

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Hearthstone is still crashing horribly after this last patch. I canā€™t even make a deck bc the game crashes after a couple seconds. Tried importing a deck but that causes Hearthstone to crash too. Please address this!