Perils in Paradise is NOW LIVE

Perils in Paradise is NOW LIVE

Welcome to Paradise. Hearthstone’s newest expansion is now live with class-hopping Tourists, bustling Locations, refreshing Drinks, and more!

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the game has gotten worst now with new cards…thx blizz…

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When are we getting the communication about why you didn’t deliver a board with this expansion?

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Gonna be honest, it really feels like you guys don’t balance test your cards at all. We’ll see what the meta settles into, but as it stands, you haven’t fixed the issues with ramp and have even made it worse, giving it to a second class.

They are doing it by now, we are testers :smiley:

hahahahahaha good expansion hahaha xd

Help me friend, my house is on fire.
The expansion

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Please fix the 3.2GB update that keeps repeatedly showing up every day. Game is basically unplayable for over a week now :frowning: